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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Home-schoolers in the garden (there's a place for them)

We've just been visited by a gaggle of home-schooled children, all keen to learn what it's like living in a forest-garden.
Now they know.
It's fun, they reckon. And interesting. You can make everything you need from plants. You can pick and eat almost everything around you. You can have a frog pond, if you want to and if you dig it. You can make your hens' nest from a basket, make your own ladder from a 'Y' shaped branch and lash on the treads with flax-rope and you can pee anywhere you want too (some of the boys had never piddled out of doors, good Lord!)
Best comment of the day in response to my saying, "Have you tasted a nashi pear?"

"No. But I've tasted a mushy pear!"

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