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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday morning beach walk

Found a dragon's skull.

There be pebbly banks.

Back home, the sky did this.


Unknown said...

What a great part of the world we live in.

robertguyton said...

Wouldn't wanna be anywhere else!

Unknown said...

We don't want oil washing up on our beautiful beaches, nor do we want the shorelines moving inland from major sea level rise, so we have to stop National in their tracks. Their cheerleader Hooten needs to be taken off National radio. Robert would you consider doing a post asking people to text and email Nine to Noon if he is back on air on Monday? He who called Cunliffe a liar has been shown to be one himself. Please see what I posted on Sunday soapbox on Homepaddock today. Viv

Armchair Critic said...

Already done it CG, under my real name. Hooton has to go, and I'd like to see others gone too.

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Viv. Long ago I read that 'Hooten needs shooten' and he's become even more offensive since then.