Friday, July 6, 2012

John Key's Clever Plan to Stop Whaling - revealed!


Towack said...

I had whale meat served up to me when I was last in Japan, don't know what the fuss is all about. Rubbery and bland. Didn't bother eating it.
The sharks fin was better.

robertguyton said...

Philistine. Your sort will never inherit the earth.

Shunda barunda said...

He's right Towack, it's all in the book of Revelation!!

Towack said...

I don't want to inherit the earth, its getting to warm for me.
Maybe heaven will be cooler.

anyway, the bible says the meek shall inherit the earth, not the whale riders

robertguyton said...

Oh my God! The Maori word for whale-rider, is 'Meek'!!!
(*Cue 'Jaws' theme music and the sifting of wheat from chaff).