Friday, July 6, 2012

Drilling the island

They're drilling for gas on Stewart Island. Rather, Greymouth Petroleum has set up it's rig in anticipation of getting consent to drill for gas. It seems astonishing that they would go to all the effort of shipping gear to Rakiura, assemble it and advertise their intentions through The Southland Times, before getting their consents sorted. Still, there they are.

Meanwhile, we're playing an oil drilling board game on the dining room table, no consent required.


Shunda barunda said...

Cheeky buggers.

I know who they are too.

Shunda barunda said...

Actually, scratch that, I don't have a clue who they are, I was thinking of a West coast drilling company but it appears that "Greymouth petroleum" has nothing to do with the West Coast at all.

robertguyton said...

As I suspected. Like the New Zealand Silver Fern Kiwi Kokako Buzzy Bee Dairy Company (Shanghai) Ltd.