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Monday, August 22, 2011

Royal Palm Turkeys

Over the past few days I've spent most of my time in the garden, pruning. I've been using a saw, rather than secateurs, so you can imagine the scale of the operation. When Robyn returns from Nelson this afternoon, her eyes will fly wide open. I may need to make a hasty retreat. In the manner of men with saws everywhere, enthusiasm sometimes over-rules discretion, but as I often say, it'll grow back.
 All the while I've been out there, I've not once heard the raucous cries of the Guinea Fowls that previously made my outdoor-life a misery. Their schrawking seemed only to irritate me - no one in my family noticed it at all, unless I drew their attention to it but lately, nothing. The sound of Guinea-fowl-absence! I'm taken aback. I think my neighbour has done the considerate thing and re-located his noisy birds! If that's the case, I'm eternally grateful for his thoughtfulness. He emailed me recently and there were pictures attached. He's a breeder of poultry and these Royal Palm Turkeys are the latest birds to join his menagerie.
They're certainly spectacular!
I hope they're not noisy.


Robert Winter said...

Guinea fowl in red wine. Lovely.

robertguyton said...

Which Alison Holst describes as
'a raucous little dish'.