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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Today's belly-laugh - English goes Green!

"Finance Minister Bill English, Economic Development Minister Gerry Brownlee and Environment Minister Nick Smith today announced the establishment of an Advisory Group on Green Growth in enabling New Zealand to grow the economy while enhancing our clean, green brand."

Belly-wobblingly funny, that Bill English and his team of merry pranksters!

The article goes on:

"Mr Brownlee and Dr Smith said it was important the Government received the best advice on green growth initiatives and that is why an advisory group had been established."

Note to Mr English - ask the Green Party. It's their core business. Always has been.
I wonder if Bill and his clowning-about team are a little annoyed though that John Key has erased that 'clean, green New Zealand' brand and replaced it with 'clean, green YOU' or whatever vacuous pap it was that was announced a few weeks back. The sheep farmers of course, took it in their stride and rebranded 'clean, green ewe.'


nick said...

Oh wow, the people running this country really are dense.

robertguyton said...

If it was a movie we could all load up on popcorn and have a good laugh.
But it aint.

Anonymous said...

Bill and Gerry may have non green growth plans too...

Southland contains New Zealand's largest coal resource, comprising mostly low grade brown coal lignite deposits.

Greywolf is in a joint-venture agreement with Chinese energy company Qinghua Group, which is still considering a multibillion-dollar investment in lignite conversion.

It is worth noting that Bill English is a shareholding minister with SOE Solid Energy too, so he and Simon Power could issue a directive for it to not undermine Climate Policy in New Zealand...

but that would be more than an expensive PR lipservice to enhance our clean, green brand.

robertguyton said...

Love your opening sentence anonymous.