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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whose famous smile is this?


Shunda barunda said...

Helen Clark

Too easy.

robertguyton said...

Close. Certainly as much despised by tories like yourself :-)

Shunda barunda said...

I am not a tory Robert.

In fact, I don't know what I am.
Maybe I'm politically 'challenged'.

robertguyton said...

You've shed your tory cloak Shunda, to be sure and there are Frogbloggers celebrating still.
It's only a matter of months til you have to put your scrawl on the voting form and you're going to have to be a bit more self-aware by then.

Shunda barunda said...

Frogbloggers celebrating? really?

And who is this pictured dude that tories love to hate, can you give any clues?

robertguyton said...

Yes I can.
He's infamous and the tories hate him.
He's a good listener.