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Monday, January 31, 2011

Today's tie - dairy for life


Anonymous said...

Man, those cows have done wonders for that pasture.

robertguyton said...

It's the bovime way Bio.

Suz said...

Cool hark back to Shunda's abuse at Kiwiblog, I'm not surprised...many of the commentators there seem to be seriously unhinged, and enough to make us all want to vote elsewhere.

Shunda barunda said...

Today I got called "pinko scum", it is only a matter of time before I make "Luddite".
On the bright side, it should get philu off my back over on frogblog.

Suz said...

I've been away a few days hence my tardy support...hhhmmm philu...words fail me!

IMHO your intelligence and sanity put you in the minority over at that's a pity the site has morphed into what it has. Will brace myself and go have a perusal..just hope those arse-holes don't get you down.

Shunda barunda said...

They don't get me down Suz, in fact, I am finding it kind of liberating!

I have never really thought of myself as intelligent or sane, but thanks anyway! :)

robertguyton said...

I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent @ Kiwiblog. Mostly I aimed to get responses from Farrar, rather than the rank and file, and I was pretty successful in doing that. Sadly, he blinked and was forced to ban me on a contrived charge. Can you imagine that? Polite and thoughtful me!
There are some bright readers there but many of the others suffer from holding calcified views about what someone who challenges their views might be like. It's much the same on Keeping Stock and Homepaddock but not quite so marked. I'm presently challenging Homepaddock's Ele to comment about Key's disgraceful comments on Tony Veitch's show, but she refuses to say a word. That's pretty poor. Clearly, the misygonist comments have disturbed her.

Suz said...

"misogynist"..sorry, I'm a pedant.

I'm surprised you'd consider Keeping Stock and Homepaddock as comparable to Kiwiblog...You might not like or agree with what Inv and Ele say, but they assuredly have my respect in the way they deal with altering (and some-times, troll-like) comments.

robertguyton said...

Misogyny is something I struggle with Suz - the spelling of that is and I've no problemm accepting correction of that sort!
What are 'altering' comments I wonder?
I enjoy both blogs Suz, but find the things they omit very telling. Aside from obvious issues the two of them won't /don't cover, they both resort to 'it's my blog so I'm not going to answer' when asked something where a truthful answer might cast their heroes in a bad light (in my opinion). That's pretty poor.

robertguyton said...

Btw - Shunda, ya pinko scum treehugging Luddite watermelon - I hope you are going to make a comment on my latest post :-)

Suz said...

"altering" should probably read "differing"..we're sleep-deprived at moment.

Fingers crossed that no anti-greenie
comes trolling at your place, although I get the feeling you'd welcome them with open organic arms, and have a retort for everything they might throw at you!

Suz said...

"Grow some"..that's a bit below the belt (in more ways than one).

robertguyton said...

Shouldn't every blogger who accepts comments be willing to at least try to answer valid requests Suz?
I believe mine to Ele isn't at all unreasonable.
As to Inv2 - maybe a little pointed but again, his willingness to avoid questions is not admirable.
He often says 'it's my blog - go away if you don't like what I say' but is that what being a public commenter is really about?
Fair questions are often swiped away on Keeping Stock I believe.
I hope I don't have to eat my words but I would make an honest effort to answer real questions.
What do you think about Key's comments?

Suz said...

Don't you be typing your fancy italics at me, thank you very much :)
Mr Stroppy... I happen to agree with Shunda on this.

robertguyton said...

Shunda hasn't expressed an opinion about key's comments Suz.

Suz said...

A thousand was dumb-ass me thinking asset sales...what were you referring to, oh mighty Green God??

robertguyton said...

Key's comment on Veitch's sport radio programme that he too would like to enjoy the 'non-golfing' pleasures that Tiger Woods helped himself to.