Saturday, January 22, 2011

Here's the point

If you've not been to Riverton, you'll not have seen the Point.
Here's a photograph of it, sent in by keen photographer, writer and now artist, 'C' of 'C&D' fame.
Our beaches here along the south coast are especially beautiful and various. You'll see penguins on them occasionally, though today's newspaper carries a story about the starvation the little blues are suffering from just now. The number dying and the starved condition of those surviving is being attributed to La Nina but it's interesting to note that according to the expert quoted in the article, such events while natural, are occurring with greater frequency than ever before. With the owlets and the tui suffering from the heat further North and the penguins starving to death down here, things look ill for the avian world this season.
I understand the jellyfish kingdom is thriving though. That'll give you little cheer, if you've followed that sorry tale.


Shunda barunda said...

A witch has done this!

Suz said...

C of "C & D Fame" Ironic don't you think Shunda?