Friday, January 21, 2011

Ancient map of the unknown world


Shunda barunda said...

The bottom bit looks like a witches boot!

robertguyton said...

Have you been sitting through the back-to-back full set of Harry Potter movies again Shunda.
Get outside and bathe in the light!
It'll drive out those demons!

Shunda barunda said...


It burns!!!

robertguyton said...

Course it does but now you're a new man!

Anonymous said...

A wise man knows the value of a witch.

The map looks like a segment of Earthsea.

robertguyton said...

I've been a Ged fan forever.

Anonymous said...

Me too :-)) Fantastic books.

robertguyton said...

Do you read the ArchDruid?

Women can be wizards too!

Suz said...

Surely it's Narnia?

Anonymous said...

I have read Archdruid in the past. Trying to steer clear of the scarey stuff at the moment but he's still in my rss feed.