Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Photo - Hollie


Anonymous said...

Hey, nice photo of the beach at Riverton. I was there several weeks ago. What are those cool looking plants that are growing on the cliff behind the camera? Almost surreal I thought at the time. Is it true that Environment Southland may terminate them with extreme prejudice? I'd be disappointed if this was the case.

robertguyton said...

Hey anon. It was especially lovely on the beach that evening. We watched a gull do that 'drop a shellfish over and over on the sand' thing and wondered why he didn't aim for a rock, but he got it in the end.
The plants are echiums and those very tall ones come from the Canary Islands. I hope you are not right about ES plans to destroy them! Especially if they are going to do it with extreme prejudice! They're a favourite of mine and I'm keen to see more of them, not fewer.
I'll make enquiries today while I'm at HQ, wearing my suit and tie. Thanks for the heads-up!