Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Solid Energy ready to rumble!

The date has been set (May) and the ground marked for the conversion of brown coal (lignite) to briquettes at Mataura.

"Solid Energy's general manager of conversion, Greg Visser, said yesterday construction of the plant could begin in May this year, subject to consent applications to the Gore District Council and Environment Southland which will be lodged shortly."

This is exciting! When this comes up I'll be all ears and full of quizzicalness.

I wonder how much greenhouse gas the process creates? None I hope!
If it does produce significant amounts that need to be paid for (Thank you ETS!), will it be Solid Energy that foots the bill or will it be muggins (the taxpayer)?

Read all about it here.


Anonymous said...

What are you excited about Robert?

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll be all frowns and full of scrutiny.

Shunda barunda said...

Sheesh!! Southland is getting more like the West Coast every day!
Hope your one doesn't blow up, it's a real b@stard when that happens!
(especially for families that get told jack sh!t)

robertguyton said...

I'd like to hear the details of the proposals, wildcrafty, and have a chance to quiz the applicants on some of the issues that concern my constituents :-)

robertguyton said...

Frowns Bio? Me?
I'll be wearing my 'Mr Reasonable' mask.

robertguyton said...

But Shunda - the economy! Without it, we're as good as dead!

Anonymous said...

Pleased to know that you are part of Environment Southland, hopefully able to help stop the madness of Solid Energy's plans (after careful impartial consideration of all the evidence of course!)
In the ODT today,Tracy Hicks said GDC focus was on the long term options. Sounded all very in favour of Solid Energy, does that make it a done deal? Hope not.

robertguyton said...

Thanks anon. One thing I've had impressed upon my during the first few weeks of being a councillor is the value of gathering and exploring ALL evidence available. This is why I am interested to hear any opinion people might have regarding the proposals to mine lignite, no matter what side of the 'argument' people might come from. Just tonight I spent an hour discussing the revcent meeting facilitated by Forest and Bird where the Solid Energy rep made various declarations about the SOE's plans. Very interesting too.
Thanks for the heads-up on Tracey Hicks' ODT piece. I'll search it out. I have talked with him about the developments.