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Friday, January 21, 2011

3 new suspects

Good Citizens Carol and David have sent in photographs of 3 characters of whom they are highly suspicious and feel could well be responsible for dismembering our mighty stag.
Could one of these be the emasculator?
Might they have worked in cohoots?
Am I going too far in wondering whether the faces of Carol and Dave might be amongst these mugshots and that they might be playing a cunning game of cat and mouse with us?
Has anyone actually seen 'Dave' and 'Carol'?

Might this be 'Carol'?
Or for that matter, 'Dave'?


Suz said...

Surely you jest!!!

It is more than apparent that Suspect No. 1 (aka Carol/Dave) is rightfully in a state of panic at her imminent arrest, and is making a last-ditch attempt to divert attention.

robertguyton said...

You've the eye for it Suz, that's for sure!Your powers of observation and deduction are unparalleled!
12 years ago, I lost the key to an old brass padlock.
Can you tell me where it is?

Suz said...

Alas the news isn't good Robert. I'm seeing initially an old bike shed where it fell out of a pocket, and then gorgeous Sparky burying it along with a bone (possibly near an apple-tree?) He had his reasons!

And I think if you cast your mind back, it's closer to 13 years.

robertguyton said...

I did as you suggested Suz and cast my mind back.
My family is now busy trying to retrieve it for me while I sit vacantly waiting.

Suz said...

If anyone will retrieve it, although highly unlikely I'm being told, it will be Hollie.

robertguyton said...

You've seen Inception?

Anonymous said...

I'm not really 'Anonymous' ... just can't call myself anything else. But I can assure you that the three new suspects are true Rivertonians of historic note ... though I lost my notes.
c (of c&d)

robertguyton said...

Ah! "C".
So, locals eh! We suspected an inside job. Can you provide their names?
I can guess where they might be 'living'.

Does not the Name/URL function appear below the comments box?

Choose an identity




You should be able to click the Name/URL button and make a name for yourself (there's no need to put a URL).

Suz said...

@ Robert..haven't seen "Inception" but I'm sensing dreams being invaded, ideas implanted into dreams, and oddly enough, a spinning top (anniversary gift, SPOOKY).

I have my spirit guide Wikipedessa to thank for the channelling.

Why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

Testing my identity to see if I have character flaws while mentioning that 'twas the horse what dunnit. I saw his muzzle shot posted under WANTED at The SuperValue. Where's the scholog stealin' steed?

robertguyton said...

The spinning top!
Now I am a little spooked!

robertguyton said...

We need someone who knows the horse-world under-world inside out C and is willing to spill the oats.

Channeling Mr Ed