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Sunday, January 9, 2011

100% pure ... you!

Please! No!

Why don't we just go straight to 'You Zealand'?


Anonymous said...

Sounds entirely appropriate. After all NZ is all about the tourist isn't it?

Either that or they've realised they can no longer get away with calling NZ 100% pure.

robertguyton said...

I'm thinking though, about the admonishment we give to selfish people,
"It isn't all about you"
but perhaps you are right wildcrafty. Where it comes to tourism, it is.

Shunda barunda said...

Personally I think our country is worth visiting, but not for the people.
NZers are fast developing a reputation as the spoilt brats of the world, and not without reason.
I find that tourists as a whole are far more courteous and civil than your average Kiwi, including those dreaded and much maligned "sleeper van" types.

robertguyton said...

Love your fellow man Shunda.

robertguyton said...

Adam suggests 100% pure poo!

Shunda barunda said...

Most people around the world would rather take a picture of the great pyramid, the average Kiwi tourist would rather piss on it.

Shunda barunda said...

After the attack in Golden bay it should be 100% psycho!

Shunda barunda said...

My ranting aside, have you got a link to this new marketing drivel?

100% boo-yaa!!

100% gangsta.... bee-arch!!

robertguyton said...

Saw it on the Noos Shunda and there was a piece in today's rag but I've not gone out searching for the vacuous stuff.