Adam - I'm very impressed to see that you have a 'Food and Water Issues' theme on your blog: and will read through as many of the numerous posts as I can as soon as I can. Those issues are uppermost in my mind and we (our team of 'food security and supply' guys down here are actively ensuring that we have just that. Have you had a look at my Farmageddon post? If you can read between the lines, you'll recognise the themes.
Nice picture, must read more on your blog, enjoyed my visit
You're very welcome here adam.
I'll try to post something a little more provocative for you to engage with :-)
you do not need to do that
I often post on food, music and many other things
Many other things other than politics interest me,
books, films, cooking
Adam - I'm very impressed to see that you have a 'Food and Water Issues' theme on your blog:
and will read through as many of the numerous posts as I can as soon as I can. Those issues are uppermost in my mind and we (our team of 'food security and supply' guys down here are actively ensuring that we have just that.
Have you had a look at my Farmageddon post?
If you can read between the lines, you'll recognise the themes.
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