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Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Circus of the Possibilitarians

(Hat-tip, Dave: I'd go to this, it the venue was closer. The Dire Circumstance Jubilation Ensemble sound just the kind of brassy fellows we need here in order that the foolishness that goes on can be brought to the attention of all and sundry. Nothing like a brass band to reveal cloak and dagger behaviour in dark alleys and smoky back-rooms and goodness knows, we've seen enough of that lately.)

The Circus of the Possibilitarians is a satirical horse and butterfly circus, addressing pertinent national and international issues in a clownish fashion, including rotten ideas, a wild dancing horse and some mellow lions, a solemn salute to the world’s casualties and much more! The Dire Circumstance Jubilation Ensemble provides a little bit of brass and a lot of noise. Please take note that if some of the circus acts are politically puzzling to adults, accompanying children can usually explain them.

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