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Sunday, December 16, 2012

3 gnats, foxglove elephant


JayWontdart said...

Lovely to see you again Robert and Robyn :-)

robertguyton said...

Shame it was raining, Jordan, though I thought you'd be braver than you turned out to be, scampering off to your car like that when it was still possible to see trees through the curtains of water :-) Next time you come out, bring the good weather with you.

JayWontdart said...

I dont drive Robert, *SOME* of us care about our Mother Earth you know! *pious look* ;-)

I would have loved to have seen the whole garden, and to have g-nat-tered the day away!

However, I was merely invited along on " a trip to the beach " which turned out to eventuate along your neck of the woods, and I begged my friends to stop by for a variety of teas and bananas as it was.

They might have left me to walk home to Invercargill along the coast, like some kind of maniac!!! :-)

robertguyton said...

I knew you were friend-constrained, Jordan, and that they were damp from their beach-walking and keen to get back to Invers. I'm looking forward to your next visit, when you can meet my hens and spend some time in the Greater Jungle when it isn't dripping wet. Your pious state of car-lessness is admirable as is your campaign to free animals from oppression. You might like to add to this "battery hens" debate at Homepaddock.

JayWontdart said...

TY Robert, I've sent in a comment :-)