Thursday, October 11, 2012

Penny Bright quote

Love her or loathe her, Penny picked the right moment to say this:

One minute you’re the rooster – the next minute – the feather duster.


JayWontdart said...

Goodness, feathered dusters? For those of us who find they must dust, glad to know we use fancy plastic "static attraction" things now!

Perhaps the modern Facebook generation equivilant is "there's a fine tightrope walk line between cock of the walk and dickhead"?

robertguyton said...

When I put that image up, I knew I'd hear from you, Jordan!

I like your re-working of the old adage - either way, it'll put Key in a fowl mood.

I'm not so sure about your liking for 'fancy plastic used to be oil' stuff.
We all have our buttons, don't we :-)