Monday, September 24, 2012

Stewart Island

I went to the island. It was like this.

I visited gardens and orchards. This is Karen. Her orchard is delightful. Kaka are a problem for her. And deer.

She has a small-but-growing flock of Stewart Island sheep.

On the ferry back to Bluff, a dog bit a child, on the lip.
This dog.

This child.

Also aboard was a dog who didn't.


Anonymous said...

That's something to aspire to - a kaka problem!

What were the workshops like?

robertguyton said...

The kaka were something else. The tui though, bullied them. They hammer the fruit trees something terrible and the damage is really unsightly. The bark that is. At fruiting time, it must be quite depressing. The workshops were very good, especially the gardening ones :-) There were all sorts and everyone loved it. Our speaker was Lydia-who-climbed-Mt-Everest-without-an-oxygen-bottle. She was something else! Whooeee!

Shunda barunda said...

That reflection photo is amazing.

And so was a certain swede and certain yams I had sent to me not so long ago!!

You're a dag, I only half thought you would actually send them.

Never doubt a Guyton!

robertguyton said...

Someone sent you a swede?!?

Will wonders never cease?

How did it taste?