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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Planet Key

What's it like on Planet Key, John?
Why, it's a lovely place, the Prime Minister grinned, a place where golf courses are plentiful, as place where every day is a holiday, "Nirvana' you could call it, but I call it "Hawaii".

Metiria Turei: Will homeowners on “Planet Key” now be allowed to default on their mortgages and then claim it is OK because they did not read the documents; will business people on “Planet Key” now be allowed to sign illegal contracts under his new “don’t read, don’t care” defence?
Rt Hon JOHN KEY: I do not know so much about “Planet Key”, but my expectations are it would be a lovely place to live, it would be beautifully governed, golf courses would be plentiful, people would have plenty of holidays to enjoy their time, and what a wonderful place it would be. But I would expect people on such a place—referred to as nirvana—to comply with the law, and that is what Mr Banks did.


Armchair Critic said...

And no mention of cycleways.

robertguyton said...

Golfcartways only, on Planet Key.