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Friday, June 8, 2012

Stifling and disrespecting members of the public.

No one likes to be stifled and or disrespected. The teachers and parents, principals and students who found themselves subject to that sort of treatment turned around en masse to face their tormentor and faced them down over the education cuts, and succeeded in forcing a capitulation from the National Government. It's time for a second rout, this time over asset sales. Presently, a select committee is hearing submissions, the vast majority of which are highly critical, on the proposed energy asset sales but because of the behaviour of the predominantly National MP committee, those of other parties are describing the process as foul.
Green co-leader Russel Norman says that the process is being rushed in order to beat the upwelling of public opposition to the sales. His opinion is supported by other MPs on the committee. He said" the committee was likely to report back to Parliament on the Bill next week even through it didn't have to report back until July 16, he said.
"There has been virtually no consideration of the Bill, the evidence or the submissions. It's a sham. It's just being rammed through.
"It is totally anti-democratic. They are treating Parliament as a little room down the end of the hall which they use to make laws, just like Muldoon did."
Norman said the behaviour of National MPs on the committee was "down-right impolite" and embarrassing.
"They were doing their emails, they were playing games on their iPads, it was very disrespectful"

Shonkey, undemocratic behaviour from an arrogant National Government. The public was able to overturn the ill-conceived education cuts. Let's see if they can do the same for the very foolish asset sale plans.


Towack said...

Dont you mean partial asset sale plans, or is that your propaganda machine working.

robertguyton said...

I call them assets sales, Towack. I'd call Fonterra's latest manouverings a sale as well. Oue water will be up soon, for sale. Everything's for sale, with this Government! Workers rights, name it, they'll sell it!

Anonymous said...

"No one likes to be stifled and or disrespected."

And yet it is what you do to everybody who has a different view to yours.

robertguyton said...


Anonymous said...

So how is National pushing through their agenda that they campaigned on, and received a mandate for, "undemocratic".

By conmparison Wed Wussel is no stranger to ramming through undemocratic and shonky law against the wishes of the public. Privy Council (amongst others) ring any bells?


robertguyton said...

There are, paranormal, clear signs from the public, that they don't want to seel the assets. They did vote National in, by a slim margin, and they did know that asset sales were planned, but have learned more since then and appear to wish to change that plan. Lets ask them and see if that is true. That would be the democratic thing to do, paranormal. The original proposal to partially sell assets has since been shown not to stack up. We've learned more, We don't like the prospects. A responsible Government would go back to its people and confirm or otherwise, its plans. Clear enough for you?

Towack said...

Let me be clear - I dont and never have had an issue with the partial sales. Why have another vote RG, we already had one thanks