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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lucy Lawless .v. Amy Adams

Amy should have hid.
Shane Taurima, interviewing the Environment Minister summed up her mealy-mouthed delivery with,
"More roads, more cows, more drilling."
Amy had nothing. When the issue of climate change is raised, National has nothing but egg on its face.
"More roads, more cows, more drilling."
Lucy spoke well, describing the despair felt by everyone at Rio21, everyone bar Amy Adams it seems.
Stephen Joyce, on later to muddy the waters around asset sales, had a swipe at Lucy, as did the irascible Fran Wilde, who made a similar snide remark about Ms Lawless. She clearly worries them and they react in the way National MPs always do toward 'green celebrities', with snarky derision.
"More roads, more cows, more drilling."



paulinem said...

If a political party had any forward thinking they would grab Lucy as their leader ..she was dynamite re Q and A ...Keys would not have a show with Lucy as his competition :)

robertguyton said...

Warrior Princes .v. ...
I'm not allowed to slight our Leader, so please feel free to fill in the space with your own words :-)

Shunda barunda said...

If a political party had any forward thinking they would grab Lucy as their leader

No, if a political party made the princess of tacky their leader then the party would become the party of the tacky and shallow.

We don't need some confused little rich girl that plays make believe for a living cheapening the cause of the environment.

Every time someone like this enters the stage it causes a set back, she stuffed things up on the West Coast with her stupid stunts (along with Robyn Malcolm) and now people like me have to start over.

A total waste of valuable capital, they should stick to low quality acting to entertain insecure woman and horny boys.

Shunda barunda said...


Anonymous said...

"Amy should have hid.
..mealy-mouthed delivery...
Amy had nothing.
..National has nothing but egg on its face.

Lucy spoke well.
She clearly worries them..

Stephen Joyce.... to muddy the waters...
..a swipe at Lucy,
..the irascible Fran Wilde,
..a similar snide remark about Ms Lawless.
..react in the way National MPs always do..
..snarky derision."

Beautifully balanced summation there, Robert.
A credit to you.
Inspirational to your followers.

robertguyton said...

Thank you, Anonymous - it's my special talent.

Shunda - "some confused little rich girl"

'scuse me? Cna you explain how she's:

- little
- a girl
- confused

Thank you.

Shunda barunda said...

Oh gee, you're right!! I shall scurry away into the bushes!!

Shunda barunda said...

Robert, can you please explain why I should have anything but contempt for someone that erodes the efforts I and others make in my region?

I do not partake in superstar worship, no matter how "green" they claim to be.

You can't fight ignorance with ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Presumably this is the episode of Xena that ended with the statement 'No eggs were harmed in the making of this show'. Something like that appeared in nearly every closing credits.

robertguyton said...

Shunda - you have nothing but contempt for Lucy Lawless?
You ask me to explain why you should have something other than contempt for about, you should admire someone willing to sacrifice comfort and security in order to draw attention to an environmental crime that will hasten the massive threat to humanity that is climate change. No credit to Lucy for that? If not, why not?

robertguyton said...

"Eggs", intheologus?
No omelet then, for us.

robertguyton said...

"I do not partake in superstar worship"

Sorry, Shunda. I can't resist.

Towack said...

It is interesting Shunda when actors like Malcolm and Lawless get taken more seriously by the media than scientists and Green peace leaders.
Famous for acting as someone else, famous for pretending, now that they have made their money they can pretend that they didnt cause any of the stuff they are now trying to stop.
The huge amount of travel that Lawless has done as an actress is quickly forgotton by her now that she is rich and can play as being a environmentilist. She will now fight against the drilling of oil, the very fuel that carried her around the world.


Shunda barunda said...

Sorry, Shunda. I can't resist.

Ha! the funny thing is, when I was typing that I knew you would take that angle, I sh!t you not!

I'm on to you Mr Guyton ;)

Shunda barunda said...


Absolutely, the first thing Lucy should be preaching is "don't do as I did".

Incidentally, it seems that Robyn Malcolm wasn't acting when she played that hideous character "Sheryl West" she got pulled over for drunk driving the other day, oh the irony!!

robertguyton said...

Towack - "The huge amount of travel that Lawless has done as an actress is quickly forgotton by her ..."

Have you even one skerrick of evidence to show that Lucy has forgotten or denies her past contribution to the greenhouse gas load? I'm calling 'tripe' on your claim. prove me wrong, link to a statement by Ms. Lawless that 'proves' your claim. You can't, I'm betting.

robertguyton said...

Shunda - likewise - "Absolutely, the first thing Lucy should be preaching is "don't do as I did"."

How can you claim that she hasn't 'owned up' to her burning of carbon through her travel while her acting carreer was in full-swing? Pure prejudice on your part. You don't like what she's doing, so you make unfounded claims that suit your prejudice. Provide some backing for your mean statements.

robertguyton said...

Furthermore, your use of the phrase 'superstar', a very unusual way of describing Lucy Lawless, came from your own unconscious desire to be revealed by me. It's obvious.

Shunda barunda said...

I don't understand what you are saying with that last comment.

robertguyton said...

You set yourself up for a bit of a reveal.

Shunda barunda said...

Reveals? those things are in houses aren't they?

Shunda barunda said...

Tiz true, I also fly around with a scarlet cape, fighting for the environment where ever I zoom.

I just quietly get on with the job though, not like that attention seekin Lawless lady!!

Shunda barunda said...

Robert must be doing a psychology paper and is trying to psyche me out with his new skills.

Well I've got my tin hat on, so there!!

Towack said...

Your quite right RG. Not a skerrick of evidence to show that Lucy has forgotten or denies her past contribution to the greenhouse gas load. Not one bit. Because she hasnt never mentioned it - why should she - that would never help her cause. I searched 'lucy lawless apoligises for fuel burn', and came up with her blog which shows, after a very quick read that she has flown over seas and in NZ about 10 times in the past two years. Some for 'promoting of movies'. Then she lamblasts the oil companies for their desire to drill for more oil. Right, I see you have to be quite clever to be an actress.

Shunda, as least your tin hat will reflect those gamma rays, I find lining your rooms with tinfoil helps too.

robertguyton said...

Towack - not a lawyer then?
Lucy is trying to prevent the despoilation of the Arctic by drilling activities and deep sea drilling.
What you need in order to prove your claim that Lucy Lawless is pretending she didn't cause any of the stuff they are now trying to stop, is to show that she once 'caused' Arctic or deep sea drilling to occur. When you've done that (good luck, Agent Towack) get back to us with your evidence. Then I'll agree with your claim. Til then...

robertguyton said...

Shunda - the tin hat goes on your head, not where you've put it. Tin hats aren't designed for covering your butt :-)

Anonymous said...

Just another vacuous member of the Film Actors Guild.

Someone that has made a fortune off reading lines written by other people, thinks its a good idea to continue in the real world reading fake lines written by others.

Sad really.


robertguyton said...

I'm genuinely puzzled, paranormal, at your, Shunda and Towack disdain for actors, in particular, actresses.
What leads you to think that they are 'vacuous'? John Key holds the same view. I don't see it at all. Why can't an actress, who presumably must have at least a very good memory and business sense, hold intelligent views on broader issues, like the well being of the environment, or other 'political' issues?
I think you have a prejudice that is seriously clouding your judgement. Perhaps too, a chauvanism that reflects badly on you (all). I do hope you address this comment of mine, as I'm very interested to hear your response.

Suz said...

Yeah...Bob Geldof...what a tosser ah?

What would he know or be able to achieve. A mere musician, although at least a male.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and the likes of Bono et al. Great at making music, crap at understanding what the problem is in order to fix it. (Hint: the problem isn't going to be fixed by just throwing money at it).

Did you get my reference to F.A.G.?


robertguyton said...

You've not addressed my question at all, paranormal, except to slight another artist, without anything to back up your claim. Are you doing this on purpose? It's tiresome. What leads you to claim that actors and musicians don't have a valid view outside of their field?

Anonymous said...

I merely used yet another example - in response to Suz actually, of an artist behaving in a world saving manner without any apparent understanding of the real issue. .

Bono wanted the rich countries to give to the poor countries to end poverty. Naive in the extreme as it wasn't lack of money that make a lot of poor countries that way, rather the political corruption. I'm sure Bono would want to give more to Zimbabwe as well, only for the funds to end up in a swiss bank account.

Another example is the Finns support of Uncle Hulun and Liarbour. And we all know how that turned out.

How many more examples do you need? And La Lawless is no different.

If you want a humourous look at artists misguided belief in their own divine politics, then have a look at Team America. That is where F.A.G. comes from.


robertguyton said...

You still won't say why you believe artists cannot hold intelligent political views, paranormal, except again to cite examples that you don't agree with. You seem to have a cover-all distrust of celebrities and their ability to think well. Again, you've not explained how or why that could be the case. Pure baseless prejudice from you then?

Shunda barunda said...

Why can't an actress, who presumably must have at least a very good memory and business sense, hold intelligent views on broader issues, like the well being of the environment, or other 'political' issues?

Ha! Yeah, Lucy is famous for business sense and a great memory.

Actually, the real reason rhymes with "memory" and there are two of them!! Big ones!!

Business sense indeed!! I bet she got a double D's in business school!!

Shunda barunda said...

You seem to have a cover-all distrust of celebrities and their ability to think well.

Ummm yeah, and you don't??

I guess exceptions are technically possible, but there haven't been many so far.

robertguyton said...

Scraping, Shunda, scraping.
There's no 'intelligent' in any of your comments. I can't understand you, to be frank.
I don't have a distrust of celebrities ability to think about global issues. Why would they be any worse than anyone else?
I just don't 'get' where you are coming from, Shunda. Seriously. I guess you are just yanking my chain.

Shunda barunda said...

I am not scraping the bottom of the barrel, I am describing the reality of an actress that has primarily used her "natural" assets as the basis of her career.

If you disagree with this, I suggest you investigate her acting more thoroughly.

Lucy is a fine looking woman, good for her, but just don't try and tell me that her career is anything other than what it is - a career based on an attractive body.

I find that shallow, and I think we can do better than using an actress from a shallow genre to be a spokesperson for something I strongly value.
She and Robyn "drive drunk" Malcoln did nothing for the environment when they charged into West Coast issues, other than set things back of course.

It's a total waste of valuable capital, send her to America where people like that tacky crap.

robertguyton said...

I don't care what assets Lucy Lawless my have exploited to build her acting career, Shunda. I can't for the life of me think why having attractive boobs, as you are implying she has, prevents her from having an intelligent position on deep sea drilling for oil. I just can't see it.

Anonymous said...

What Shunda said.

The reason RG for all these examples is the celebs are well removed from reality. The 'intelligent' thinking you refer to seems to be that of a tweenie, gullibly led by their peers and parroting feel good rubbish.

Watch Team America. It is one of the themes in the movie and very comical as it is so close to the reality. That's probably why they had to use puppets.


Shunda barunda said...

Robert, no one cares what Lucy thinks except a very small band of loyal activists.

The reaction to her antics from the average Kiwi is not conducive to what we should be trying to achieve regarding our environment.

The valuable work of some is being cheapened by Zeena the warrior princess and it pisses me off.

It's great she has her own opinions, good for her, now perhaps she could go share them with "her people" in Hollywood and leave us to the serious work of lasting change instead of fleeting notoriety.

robertguyton said...

I understand what you are saying, Shunda and paranormal. I'm not claiming that Lucy is a good thing for 'cause', or a bad thing, I'm just challenging your broad dismissal of artists as people with valid/intelligent concerns, understandings, views. It puzzled me at the beginning of the day and I'm no clearer now as to why you hold those views than I was then.
No matter. I'm over it.

Anonymous said...

wow so smart robby

Shunda barunda said...

Because, Robert, she hasn't earned it in my opinion.

What has she done other than her acting? therefore, my acceptance of her 'authority' on the issue would have to be based only on that achievement.

Other 'artists' are scarcely relevant because their credibility could be quite substantial depending on their particular achievements on different issues. Each individual should be considered on their individual merit.

I watched the interview, and to be honest, I though Lucy stumbled and stuttered even in the face of a totally benevolent interviewer. Amy Adams (if we judge interview performance only) actually did very well considering the barrage of questions and considerable hostility to her position.
In any case, what do we expect from Amy? her to suddenly capitulate and say "you're so right and my party is wrong and I henceforth offer my resignation"?
She was always going to say what she did, as would any govt minister.

And for the record, under the current unsustainable global economy, National probably is one of the "greener" parties, and I don't say that as a good thing, but it is true none the less.

Perhaps Lucy will earn credibility in time, but I refuse to give it to someone that demands it from acting fame and nothing else.

robertguyton said...

Shunda - Lucy doesn't 'demand' anything from you. It's odd that you feel so pressed-upon by her.
You ask, 'What has she done other than her acting?'. From what I've seen, quite a lot! She seems to have stuck her neck out quite a long way in order to bring public attention to environmental issues. "Confused little rich girl", you call her - somewhat prejudicial there, Shunda. Do you demean John Key because he's rich and confused, as I do :-) or is it, as I suspect, the 'girl' aspect? I do notice, incidentally, that Lucy is a woman - had you not picked up on that. Is your eyesight so poor as that?

Towack said...

Oohh Shunda you big sexist, fancy calling a woman a girl, oohhh quick go to spec savers, they are great, thats where RG got his green tinted spectacles from

robertguyton said...

You call Lucy Lawless a girl also, Towack?
Must be a West Coast thing.

Shunda barunda said...

Nice try Robert, but "confused little rich girl" is a term you understand fairly well, and you know damned well that the girl bit is more a reference to immaturity than misogyny.

I listened to Lucy and Robyn on there little jaunt down to the Coast, that's where they lost me Robert, no prejudice required now.

Insulting a whole region is hardly helpful and also quite irrational when you consider the West Coast was the highest polling rural electorate for the Greens, and the only region to vote out National.

So yeah, I think Lucy is a bit confused about how to achieve whatever it is she wants to achieve. But I do note she can fight for the Arctic more effectively from North America, and I hope she does!!

robertguyton said...

A question for you , Shunda.
Do you think Lucy has advisors providing her with research and opinion on the issues she's championing, or do you think she's on her own in finding out what's going on and developing strategy to counter the industry?