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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I think the Prime Minister's answered the question

No, Eric, no.
He hadn't.
Yours was one of the most flagrant 'protect the boss' calls I've ever seen from a Speaker.
For shame!


Armchair Critic said...

I was wondering who the Deputy Speaker was. Your local electorate MP, Robert? He seemed a little slow. Is he really the next best that National have to offer?
When is Lockwood back?

robertguyton said...

He's the MP for Invercargill, AC. Today's 'sitting' was too much for Eric. being grilled by Norman, Mallard and co. had him scrambling to hold his ground, which he failed to do. Lockwood would have pinged Key for that gutless non-answer, but Eric, to my great disappointment, let him off the hook.
I'm at the airport on Friday, for one hour, from 10 on.

Armchair Critic said...

I've felt similar to Mr Roy, trying to get out the back on big days on the west coast, getting relentlessly pounded, and flailing and generally feeling well out of my depth.