Wednesday, April 11, 2012

That's nailed it!

If, like me, you are forever on the lookout for quirky images, scouting the unlovely faces of buildings for rusty, paint-splattered, stained and battered surfaces to capture on 'film', you'll perhaps know, as I now do, that rugby grounds are almost totally bereft of interesting possibilities- they're image deserts. I tried today, almost in vain, to capture something, anything from our local grounds. All I could find was this nail, and then I ought to have used the flash. Still, one thing is better than no thing.
The nail.

1 comment:

JayWontdart said...

Try taking photos around Wachner Place next time you're in Invercargill, the parking garage offers some astoundingly "beaten up" views, and right by the back alley of Wachner Place, outside the um..."massage parlour" and Menzies building, the back of those buildings, right by the Parking Garage is nothing but broken windows as far as the eye can see! I mean seriously, you'd think the council would just punch out the jags of glass and be done with it, but no, instead they've stayed there......a hundred broken windows side by side for....a year....two years?

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