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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Paddy on the 'whiny bullies'

Mr Lewis, ever fair and reasonable, has a view on the Federation and it's methods, over at Credo Quia Absurdum Est.

"If the dairy farmers who turned up to whine about it cared about the natural environment, they would have supported it.", says Paddy.


JayWontdart said...

Hi Robert!

Just wanted to let you know, we're planning to have another Vegan potluck here in Invercargill this next monday, the 9th, if you'd like to join us, we'd love to see you there :-)

It would be wonderful to talk about Southlands environmental issues with you over great food :-)

Take care!


robertguyton said...

I'm in, Jay. Will it be a hysterical evening?
I'm hoping so. I'm bringing a scale model of Cyril Lawless for us all to marvel over. That'll be hysteria par excellence!
I'll see what the Sunflower Cook Book has to offer. Something made from locally grown vegetables, I'm thinking.

JayWontdart said...

A scale model Robert? I'll have to try and outdo you by bringing the original masterpiece, as the divine sculptor intended :-) All are welcome, although space might be an issue if more than 10 arrive, we'll make room though! :-)

We'll probably be aiming for around 6PM, although that could change by an hour or so as we work to fit around peoples schedule. Our local Vegans are all go, from picking family members up at the airport, to working overtime shiftwork, to driving in to Invercargill! :-)

I'll send you an email with more details now Robert, take care :-)


P.S I see "Menopause The Musical" is performing here soon, perhaps I should try out for a small role? The Jordan Monologues?

JayWontdart said...

Bah, there I go and screw up a totally good joke, The Vegan Monologues is better :-)

robertguyton said...

Your 'small role' brought to mind 'jelly roll', which is getting a little obscure but you might make the connection with regard monologues...which is a homophone of sorts as well...(when I picture Cyril, it's 'sausage roll', him being a meat-eater 'n' portly 'n' all.)