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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Marlborough Kings

Sounds like a brand of cigarette, but it's worse. At least with fags, you can say no. The people of the Marlborough Sounds are faced with an aggressive take-over by NZ King Salmon who seek to create salmon farms in the waters of the Sounds. In order to do that, Malaysian-owned King Salmon, have connived with the National Government to by-pass standard process.
"King Salmon has applied to the  Government’s Environmental Protection Authority for a Plan Change to  get special permission to set up marine farms in prohibited zones. This is an attempt to over-ride planning rules that were consulted and agreed to by the people of Marlborough and the Marlborough District Council." reads the email I received last night.
It's an issue of several aspects, Helle says, including foreign ownership:
"Foreign ownership: NZ King Salmon is majority owned by the Tiong  company of Malaysia. They do not pay anything to occupy the waters of the Marlborough Sounds. If this application is granted more public space will be locked up for private profit that goes overseas."

The NZ King Salmon (odd - why don't they have 'Malaysia' in their title?) 'aquaculture story' is one that is bubbling away below the bigger 'foreign ownership/rules being changed/business being granted favours by the National Government, stories but may soon hit the headlines and add to the pong of 'business trumps democracy' that's leaking, badly now, from Key's National Party.


Anonymous said...

King Salmon is 51% owned by the Tiong family of Malaysia, the rest is in NZ hands.

Shunda barunda said...

Umm, ok, so who has the controlling stake then anon?


Anonymous said...

So,- comparing it to asset sales-

51% foreign owned = Bad
51% New Zealand owned = Bad
The problem with greenies is that their ideology precludes logic.

robertguyton said...

The problem with anti-greenies like yourself, Anonymous, is that you assign thoughts to others, having simplified them down til they're meaningless. Great fan of fin-fish farming are you? The locals of Marlborough don't seem at all keen to have King Salmon cut across the democratic process and set up in waters that were, by democratic process, declared no-go zones. national, unsurprisingly, sees it differently, as is more than willing to sell out democracy to business, be it local or foreign-owned.

Anonymous said...

I repeat, your ideology precludes logic.
It obviously escapes you, that my point concerned the 51%.
And, just in case you assign your thoughts to me,
oh wait, you already have,
I am against this expansion, not for ideological reasons, as is your tortured thinking on the abandonment of democracy, but for practical ones.

robertguyton said...

Then we are like peas in a pod, Anonymous, as I too am opposed to the King Salmon 'expansions' for practical reasons too. The 'trampling on democracy, sell consent to the highest bidder' aspect is just par for the course from National, but deserves mention, as it flows across so many other issues.
Keep salmon farming out of the sounds, I say.

Shunda barunda said...

So what anon is really saying is: "I don't like you so even though I agree I am going to disagree anyway".

Who's got the tortured logic again?

robertguyton said...

He doesn't like me?
What's wrong with that fellow??