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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maori Party blocks democracy

"Two years ago, the National Party repealed democracy in Canterbury, replacing the elected Canterbury Regional Council with a clique of unelected dictators. Last night, Labour finally managed to bring a bill to reverse that situation and force immediate elections for ECan to the floor of the House.
National, ACT, Peter Dunne and the Maori Party voted it down."

Idiot/savant discusses this dark business.


paulinem said...

National I can understand its ideology with them BUT Maori and Dunne!!! ...

maybe its time to remind Dunne voters as to whom they voted for or even more important remind those whom didnt vote at all what that they are responsible for in the governing mess we are in these days.

robertguyton said...

The good people of Ohariu/Belmont are presently busy reminding Mr Dunne that his fate will be sealed, should he vote for asset sales. This latest act shows he's a sell-out. No surprises there, Pauline.

Anonymous said...

Paulinem - I think you are giving National far too much credit. I don't believe they have any ideology beyond "pragmatism".
