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Friday, April 27, 2012

Lurkim foundation

The building of the lurkim is going well. I've dug the crater into which I'll 'pour' the clay floor, all sealed off from rising moisture with thick black polythene, and this morning's task is to line it and start wheel-barrowing the already-prepared clay into the indent. I'm more than a little excited by how everything is going. Here's the plan for stage one, scribbled on a piece of scrap-paper while I was teaching a class of 12-year-olds, yesterday (I really wanted to be lurkim-building, but needs must).


Animal said...

where does the Once'ler fit in, or is this a different lurkim

robertguyton said...

He fits in where any other visitor to my lurkim will fit - through the door and take a seat where ever you like.
(Feel the quality of the rammed-clay floor,sealed with cow-manure. Now tell me that's not the smoothest floor you ever sat-upon!)