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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cold-hearted English veto's parental leave bill.

The bill to make more reasonable New Zealand's parental leave provisions - a bill likely to receive majority support in the House, has been cut off at the knees by Bill English, who says essentially, "I don't care how many MPs support it, I'm saying no."
How churlish and ungenerous, and so much in contrast to Bill's willingness to assign tax benefits to wealthy New Zealanders at a time when clearly fairness was being called for. Bill's got his priorities arse over kite and that's where I hope this decision will bite him - and that's not on the kite, if you're wondering.
Bill's using his veto like a club - Big Boys' club, to beat back ordinary people into the corner he wants them in. Cornered people, however, feel obliged to act decisively.


Animal said...

I'm an ordinary person, but I dont feel as if I'm being beaten by a club. I'm not rich, but I was happy with the tax cuts as they worked on a percentage base, why should lower wage people get more than me?
I thought anti capitalist greenies would approve of this measure - I mean the only reason families want the 'free' money is because they can't cap their own spending habits and live within their means. You have had a new baby, thats great, best you don't buy the new flat screen tv this year - common sense RG.

robertguyton said...

Why should lower wage people get more than someone who's very wealthy, animal?
GST. You talk percentages. Low wage earners lose through Key's 'tax-switch' (classic gamblers phrase, eh! Couldn't he see that?)
"I mean the only reason families want the 'free' money is because they can't cap their own spending habits and live within their means"
Really! It's odd that NZ has a very restrictive parental leave provision, compared with other OECD countries. Ours is already 'un-generous' and national is determined that it stays that way. Not so tardy about assigning the tax cuts though, were they.

Animal said...

I really dont care about other OECD countries, I dare say there are some that give less than us, as any arguement goes, we only use the facts that help us win.
Any welfare that a wage earner gets is wrong as far as I'm concerned, why tax me and then give it back - just tax me less and let me keep what I earn.
My earlier statement is still true, parental leave is because people want want want. Think of the plant that wanted, wanted and wanted more (feed me Seymour).... I just never ever thought the Tweenies would support a capitalist argument in disguise as welfare. I can hear the cry now, 'oh won't someone think of the children'....who need a new ipod.....

robertguyton said...

Extending parental leave is so that the children can have a new iPod?
"Any welfare that a wage earner gets is wrong as far as I'm concerned"
Extremist, eh!

Shunda barunda said...

Animal is making at least some sense here Robert.

I don't care about other OECD countries either, so hows it all going with them anyway Robert? are we Kiwis so dull that we can't do things our own way? or have we become so insecure that we just have to follow suit like little stupid lambs to the slaughter.

There are deeper issues on this matter than 'being mean', and no bugger wants to look at them.

robertguyton said...

We don't care what other countries do, Shunda?
Thought that was the rationale behind the implementation of national Standards? No?
Caring for our children through providing them time with their parents is the mark of a civilized society, Shunda. We're dragging our heels and English and co would have us jettison the whole idea, so disconnected from society's 'heart' are they.

Shunda barunda said...

Never thought you would suggest a woman's place was at home with the kids!.

Shunda barunda said...

Damn it!! there should be a minister of 'kitchen affairs' too!!

Anonymous said...

Actually RG I would have thought letting people make their own decisions was the mark of a truly democratic and free society. Mothers are under enough pressure already with all the politically correct drama that comes with a new child (brweastfeeding or not, what sort of nappies to use, and it goes on and on) without busybdies like you telling them how they should live their lives.
