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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Archdruid on the melt

" For several years now, it has been possible for ships to sail from the northern Atlantic to the northern Pacific via the Arctic Ocean in late summer and early autumn. In the great days of European maritime exploration, any number of expeditions wrecked themselves in Arctic ice in futile attempts to find the fabled Northwest Passage; now, for the first time in recorded history, it’s a routine trip for a freighter, and as often as not the route is blue water all the way without an ice floe in sight. (Somehow global warming denialists never get around to talking about this.) Last autumn, though, crew members aboard several ships reported seeing, for the first time, patches of sea that appeared to be bubbling, and initial tests indicated that the bubbles were methane. "

Read more here.


Anonymous said...

Probably some fracking going on up there to cause the methane leaks.

Read up on some history of the NW passage

Or stupid phony stunts

robertguyton said...

Fracking the passage!
I knew it!

Shunda barunda said...

The reason it is called "the NW passage" is because it was open before now.

Some people need to stop talking out their south east passage!!!

robertguyton said...

Open through natural processes, Shunda?
Now it's open because of our activities. Messing with enormously powerful systems like climate, seems a trifle risky to me, given that we humans struggle to run a railway properly.
Good luck to us.

Shunda barunda said...

Hey, no argument there, we're screwed.

paulinem said...

One thing good about this development is for the Russians can export their vast oil supplies by boat to their customers instead of the Afghanistan pipe line... but I guess the Americans wouldn't like that !! Hmm will this mean that Russia will become the next axis of evil!!

Seriously though Robert this news is scary very scary as the global weather comes via the Arctic and Antarctic circle...even more scary the trade winds that bring the weather take years and years to circle the globe other words the climate can not be fixed in a hurry by a change in behaviour patterns, our next generation to be born are going to be swearing at our selfishness.