Saturday, March 31, 2012

Oh Joy is us!

Laila's joined the Greens!
I met Laila long ago, in the elevator at Bowen House. She'll not remember and I'll never forget.
Now she's working for the Green Party. This is the best news yet. She's capable, adroit, bright as and perfect for the party. Here's the article.


Shunda barunda said...

Yay!! more political figures that have nothing to do with the environment!!

Trade unionist! YUS!!!!

Shunda barunda said...

I've got a new name for the party!


Shunda barunda said...

Two words

"Willy Jackson"

He is soooo fabulous, would fit right in.

Dave Kennedy said...

Laila has a long record in exposing stupidity and voicing common sense.

Sally said...

Laila's role as a political adviser will be LOL. So many exciting things happening in the world today. e.g.

Carbon Trading continues its rapid decline.

"The European Court of Justice today ruled that the European Commission exceeded its powers by imposing a ceiling on greenhouse-gas emissions in Poland and Estonia in 2007." Eurpean Voice

"Allegations of a "surge" in "extreme" weather events have been quashed by a surprising source - (IPCC). Without strong scientific evidence, the use of "extreme" or "strange" weather to manipulate support for contentious political programmes relies on enduring and ancient superstitions"
–Andrew Orlowski, The Register

"To the dismay of the Greens and their political, business and media allies, there are signs that HMG is slowly turning back towards a new dash for gas, the UK has reserves for centuries to come, and exploiting them now would end the recession almost at a stroke." --Alan Jones, 3000 Quads, 29 March 2012

robertguyton said...

Laila pushes your frenzy-button, Shunda - excellent!
Who, may I ask, are the political figures hat do have something to do with the environment? perhaps you think the two states are mutually exclusive. Further more, if you still believe that a environment-only political party could exist in the New Zealand parliamentary system, you are dreaming. It couldn't nor should it. Every party must answer the needs of the community and social needs are in there alongside of environmental. It's a realization you simply don't seem to be able to make, Shunda.

robertguyton said...

Sally - you laugh at Laila's ability to advise on politics, why?

Shunda barunda said...

Every party must answer the needs of the community and social needs are in there alongside of environmental. It's a realization you simply don't seem to be able to make, Shunda.

Actually, it's a realisation I made a long time ago.

Environmental and social sustainability are absolutely necessary, so why don't the Greeens drop the traditional, tired old left wing crap for something more SUSTAINABLE!!

You and the Greens don't have a monopoly on "sustainability" it is not yours, and clearly the Greens have a very limited understanding of what it really is.

I am beginning to see my place in all this after years of soul searching.
I am encouraged in how people can quickly pick up the 'gist' of sustainability, I am also very discouraged in how certain 'political' environmentalists are driving otherwise good people away.

You enjoy your trade unionist and her failed political career, but while the Greens are collecting 'has beens' some of us will continue to look at ways to really make NZ a better place.

robertguyton said...

"Some of us"?
Do tell, Shunda.
I'm keen to know if your environmentalists have a policy on education.

Shunda barunda said...

Why identify as environmentalists at all?

It has been made a dirty word and cheapened far to much to be a label of any use.

And education? perhaps we start listening to people that have achieved in the field instead of endless theorising and policy making based on "oughts".

My kids are not guinea pigs, and the environment is not for sale to political opportunists as far as I am concerned.

You have a lot to offer Robert, just not sure about some of the company you keep.

Animal said...

Laila has a long record in exposing stupidity and voicing common sense....

This is classic Mr bsprout - it means she wont have to look very far for her next record addition - just look within her own party.

I'm with Mr Shunda on this one, another tired political waster who needs to get a real job for a while so she can see what the ordinary folk down at the coal face actually do, whoops did I say coal face, sorry to swear RG.

Your wrong with the Willie Jackson one though, the Greens have their token Maori, they need an Asian import now to keep up the polictical correctness they love to shove down our throats.
Actually if they dropped the left leaning social mantra that the likes of Laila push then they would most certainly pick up heaps of votes.

robertguyton said...

Great advice, Shunda - might I ask, who will you go to when looking for someone who has 'achieved in the field'?
Have you a particular person in mind for your education expert?

Animal - 'the Greens have their token Maori' really?
I'm presuming you mean Metiria, but could you kindly expand upon why you believe her to be 'token'?
I've always thought she earned her place as co-leader by dint of her determination, experience and skill. But token, please explain.

Shunda barunda said...

Have you a particular person in mind for your education expert?

George Maskill.

Shunda barunda said...

Animal - 'the Greens have their token Maori' really?

They sure as hell have their token 'Ngati Pakeha'.

People can't be expected to respect the culturally confused.

robertguyton said...

So you couldn't/wouldn't name the 'token Maori', Shunda?
Who then, is/are the 'Ngati Pakeha' you allude to?

robertguyton said...

"George Maskill is a teacher at Karoro School located in Greymouth, WEST COAST."

Does George support National's asset sale plans, do you know? If he does, would you have him in your party?

Animal said...

Go Karoro, I think it claims to be the closest school in NZ to the beach however Aparima College could give it a run for its money.

As for token Maori, token Asian or Ngati Pakeha debate, it will never come down to personal merit because as we all know that we are all going to disagree. I might think that the co leader is token, you might argue against and so the world turns.
If it would make you happy, I'm pleased to say the tweenies got it right when they voted out Sue Bradford, that was a step in a decent direction. But then getting Laila on is a step towards nowhereville. This must be her forth or fifth party she has been involved in - like I said earlier - she needs to get a real job to see how the world actually operates

Peter Pumpkinhead said...

Ms Lola ought to drive the Greens brilliant economic policy.

I can picture her on her bike, along with the rest of the greens.

Her bike is even better though, just one wheel - and she's squeaking smilingly along the road trying to get passers by to smell her flower.


robertguyton said...

Animal - I taught at a school on D'Urville island that was so close to the beach that stepping through the open back window had me on the sand. Blue penguins over-nighted beneath the floor boards.
With Sue gone, the Greens upward trajectory began, in my opinion, and will continue at pace, changing the political scene in NZ forever. Laila will be instrumental in continuing that rise. She's brainy and doesn't look like a wild-woman earth-mother hippy-chick.

Peter - yes, I believe you are right and the delightful scene you paint is very cheering. Ms Lola indeed!