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Saturday, January 14, 2012

3 French visitors

This trio of French women stayed with us last night and cooked a three-course meal in the French style, which we shared over a glass or two of wine.They cooked:
Soupe a' l'oignon
Gratin Dauphinois
Tarte fine aux pommes

And it was all delicious!


Farmer Baby Boomer said...

Robert, did you edit the headline? Or did someone make you!? I'm sure the word 'dishes' was in there yesterday(-:

robertguyton said...

You're dreaming FBB! Why would anyone do that, unless they were embarrassed by their weak attempt to be clever :-)

Joe W said...

You're too hard on yourself.
Here's an example of attempted clever gone hideously wrong.

robertguyton said...

If only I could Photoshop...