Thursday, November 10, 2011

Uncle Tom

I heard the term 'Uncle Tom Cobley and all' for the first time today.
Did you?


Anonymous said...

Who, where? It's a quaint phrase.

Anonymous said...

Not today, no.

robertguyton said...

In the boardroom of Environment Southland - used to mean 'all those people concerned (and there are a lot of them.)
And yet you have! (read, rather than heard, granted. Unless you'd heard it before now of course...)

Anonymous said...

Yep heard it before. It's as old as Methuselah that one.


Anonymous said...

I think Basil Brush did a version of this song back in the days of vinyl, which shows its age, and mine.

Flanders and Swann, of blessed memory, use the refrain in their song Commonwealth Fair.

I don't think I have heard the phrase in the last 24 hours.

robertguyton said...

Paranormal - it is? I wonder how it slipped by me then? I like it.
Intheologus - Basil did some great stuff in his day. I'll never forget Vasco Pyjama.