Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mr Wainwright cuts loose

I awoke to a stropping this morning, delivered through the pages of The Southland Times and at the hand of one Nicolas Wainwright, who wrote:

The behaviour of Riverton Green activist Robert Guyton and his muppets at the recent meeting of Invercargill election candidates at the Riverton RSA was embarrassing, rude and infantile.
  People attended that public meeting to hear what the various candidates had to say and what they stood for.
  Mr Guyton's antics on the night were disruptive, child-like and detracted from the purpose of the evening.
  To include a young family member in such an outrageous performance showed poor judgement on Mr Guyton's part.
  If I wanted to be entertained by clowns, I'll go to the circus.


So, a lovely personal attack to start the weekend!
Aside from that, it's been a lovely day so far. I've scooped the mud out of the creek, sawn up some logs for the firewood stack and now I'm cultivating a garden for my 'young family member', who's wanting to grow a new garden this year. She's otherwise busy studying for her Year-12 exams at present, but her child-like father is keen to get the project started for her.


AndyIV said...

"So at Tuesday's meeting at Riverton, I did what I could to liven-up what would otherwise have been the 'same old thing' - a polite, somewhat dull, meet the candidates event. I was not alone. There were about 12 Green supporters in the audience of around 30. We were noisy. We had placards and balloons. We had young people amongst our number.

So Wainwright has a "lovely personal attack" and Guyton has a lovely personal defence.

But it does sound like the same meeting.

robertguyton said...

It was the 'same meeting', AndyIV, if Mr Wainwright was in fact there. I've commented at length on the meeting and have tried to paint a true picture. The author of the letter saw it differently.
Personal attack? Yes.
What does 'personal defence' mean, I wonder? It sounds harmless enough, so I'll not fret over its meaning.

AndyIV said...

The behaviour of Riverton Green activist Robert Guyton and his muppets at the recent meeting of Invercargill election candidates at the Riverton RSA was embarrassing, rude and infantile.
People attended that public meeting to hear what the various candidates had to say and what they stood for.
Mr Guyton's antics on the night were disruptive, child-like and detracted from the purpose of the evening.
To include a young family member in such an outrageous performance showed poor judgement on Mr Guyton's part.
If I wanted to be entertained by clowns, I'll go to the circus.

It would appear that Mr Wainwright attacked

1.The behaviour
2 The antics
3 The poor judgement

So not a personal attack at all.

robertguyton said...

Ha! Hair-splitting extrordinaire, Andy!
Indeed, his attack is on behaviours and antics and judgement. No one in their right mind would view that as an attack on me. Thanks for the clarification.
If Mr Wainwright had called me a clown, that would be a personal attack, right :-)

robertguyton said...

And calling others 'muppets', that would too, right? Personal attacks. Just checking, because you are able to parse these statements so well.

Anonymous said...

Reap what ye sow

robertguyton said...

Indeed, Anonymous, indeed.
Must get out there and sow some joy now!
That'll put things to rights!

AndyIV said...

But he did not call you a clown.

robertguyton said...

He didn't, Andy. Nor did I say that he did :-)

AndyIV said...

No you did not, nor did I say that you did.

wysernow said...

This is why I left Southland in 1999 So conservative!
If someone on the 'left' speaks at a political meeting they get laughed at and mocked because the right has the right of bullying. But not visa versa.
Go the Guytons you are the new wave and every intelligent Southlander should get behind you. But a cautionary it for the good of all don't let you ego get on top of you Robert or you will be as bad as the opposition. by the mood of the media you may have gone one step too far. Get an older an wiser mentor - I am happy to be that person to help you become a mature and successful future leader.

robertguyton said...

We are both far too clever for words, Andy and therefore entirely useless for anything much. It was fascinating plumbing the depths of logical debate with you.

robertguyton said...

Thank you wysernow, I'm wiser now. I do wonder though, why you left Southland. That doesn't seem so wise :-)

Wysernow said...

Not so in hindsight true blue conservative Southland seems much more attractive than Christchurch now so politics isn't everything!

Animal..... said...

I don't think its fair to compare the antics at the meeting to those lovable muppets.......well maybe you could compare them to Ms Piggy, she was pretty bossy, ignorant and liked to get her own way, but then again it was always the greeny one she was chasing, hmmmn something to ponder

Armchair Critic said...

You are right to be put out; you deserve more competent critics than Mr Wainwright.

robertguyton said...

Animal, you are a very amusing and clever fellow and I now recognise your footprint. You've an edge over the previous posse, I have to say, and you chose your words very carefully, but your intent is clear and your methods less than admirable. I'm sure we'll have some fun times as you attempt to trip me up. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how important it is to beware the unexpected, nor remind you that anonymous commentators are always on the back foot when they are negatively criticising, as the covert nature of their activities just looks a little .. sneaky is that the word? Or lacking integrity perhaps. Youtr thoughts, Animal?

robertguyton said...

Armchair Critic
There's more to come on Mr W.

Suz said...

Animal hooves..always quite the droppings they invariably leave behind.

robertguyton said...

Cloven too, and it's the smell...
Nah, let's not go overboard, Suz.
Doubtless 'Animal' is a fine fellow, both here and on Keeping Stock.

Anonymous said...

I'm Rossssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!

Animal..... said...

Animal was the drummer from the muppets - a little word play that 'sneaked' over your head.....

robertguyton said...

Ha, Animal, you underestimate my collection of trivial memories. I recognised your handle immediately. Still, if you are comfortable thinking that I missed it, I have the advantage over you :-)
Maybe try 'Beaker' next time, or 'Gonzo'. Who knows, I might miss it!