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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Key goes boing boing!

"I'm somewhat ambivalent about covert recording, but it seems clear that this isn't merely about investigating the act of recording, or punishing someone who broke the law. This feels like a campaign of intimidation against the institution of the press itself, whose subtext is, "Cover politics with kid gloves or we will make your lives hell."

Juha writes on BoingBoing

He tags his piece with: , , ,


Shunda barunda said...

Oh the poor press!!, such a pillar of strength and integrity!

Geeeeeeeze this whining is not helping you guys (the left). No 'unconverted' (to leftist religion) NZer is ever going to share much sympathy for the poor, maligned, bullied press.

But by all means, keep swinging swing voters into Keys arms.

Joe W said...

She tags her piece . . .

Juha's a bloke.

Robert Winter said...

The wee souls are worried, so we'll forgive them their excesses?

robertguyton said...

Shunda - you see Key as the victim here?
It will be very interesting to hear what the judge makes of the issue. Tomorrow's pronouncement will be edifying.

Joe W - thanks, I'll make the change.

Robert - excesses indeed. The press eh, sniffing out a story, doing their job - we won't tolerate that (we of the rightist religion!)

CEO said...

Key is exasperatingly terrible as a leader of a society. Very very good as a shifty corporate manager.

robertguyton said...

Adored by the majority of New Zealanders, CEO. So we are told.
The man with the golden touch, though some say stunningly unlucky for New Zealand. If ever there was a magnet for disaster; earthquakes, mine explosions, ship groundings, a near-loss of the cup, credit downgrades, Anne Tolley etc...
No one though, in their right mind would believe that John Key is a jinx.

CEO said...

Heh.. Near loss of the cup... I like that. It's the sort of thing inv2 would dedicate a post to and call ' treason... How the left don't fall into line with dear leader '

robertguyton said...

In the unforgettable triple-handshake set-piece, I sensed a forth hand, scrabbling at the pinkies of McCaw and Key - that of I2, there in spirit, almost palpable in it's dogged enthusiasm to be at one with the boys.

Animal said...

Robert, you used to be about the environment, now, after a perusal of your latest blogs, you have become sidetracked by your unfortunate hatred of John Key. Are you sure you are backing the right party, I mean Mana are clearly a hate based party and I think you would fit right in.
You need to take stock man, get over the politics because you are clearly bad at it and start growing forests again!

robertguyton said...

Animal -see my latest post and rest easy.

Shunda barunda said...

How the left don't fall into line with dear leader '

What's this got to do with Helen Clark??