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Saturday, October 1, 2011

The stud turned out to be a mincer.

I stole this comment by ak from The Standard for anyone here who hasn't swallowed the 'John Key walks on water' meme that has been injected softly into our collective consciousness over the past 5 years. It's a little edgy, so if you are a sensitive soul, don't look!

It’s the vibe, r0b. The vibe of the neglected mistress finally realising what she’s done.
The NACT marketeers, under Joyce’s baton, have poured millions into individually-tailored “approaches” to key individuals under the banner of “relationship building”.
Starting with the press and talkback in 2004, this tactic gathered up the Maori Party (including even Hone for a time), the Woodhams, Shadbolts, Glens, Leitches, the Iwi Leadership Group – anyone of “celebrity” and “worthy” of quotation in the media – tweets and twitters, little notes from Grinny, fawning, flattery, respectful listening, “whatever it takes” on a carefully plotted individual basis exemplarised most blatantly perhaps by the PM taking Garner and Espiner out on the piss and the Mediaworks loan.
But the party’s over. The stud turned out to be a mincer. The trinkets dried up and Sugar-daddy’s now double-downgrade: double-dipton no friend indeed.
The big swinging dick’s gone limp over kittens and his rubber wool cup flows over with league.
It’s the vibe, people. Get those leaflets out and billboards up, the day of the underdog dawns.


Shunda barunda said...

Well Robert, I am afraid it is going to take much more than a poorly written left wing smear to return a left leaning govt to the beehive.

Quite frankly, if that is the best they can do then they really haven't (even now) understood why the left is in such disarray.

They may as well have just attacked Key as a 'greedy Jew'.

The left may take solace from such 'fighting words' but I am not fooled, the left are offering nothing of substance at this election, if they really believed Mr Key was as evil as they claim, I am sure a decent alternative for PM could be found, but in reality, they don't, and there isn't.

robertguyton said...

Well Shunda, I agree, it will take more than this comment to return the rightful government to the beehive - I don't think anyone in their right mind thought it would do the trick unaided :-)
Quite frankly, that's not the best they can do. This 'ak' fellow isn't the Leader of the Opposition or anyone in their strategy team, so far as I know, but I reckon he's on the money!
His comment is much better than simply calling Keys a greedy jew. It's funny and insightful.
As for your 'alternative for PM, statement, that shows me you've fallen for the Right-wing narrative, that 'uit's all about the Leader', completely. You've been scammed, Shunda.
The governance of our country doesn't come down to a competition between Key and who-ever, it's about policy and competence. National is displaying very poor ability to manage anything at all - just think for a moment about our double-downgrade, and can you describe any good National Party policy, Shunda? If not, why not?
I believe you've been well and truly bamboozled by the Right-wing political machine. (Disclaimer - I am NOT a Labour Party supporter :-)

Shunda barunda said...

Robert, I am not enthusiastic about Key or National, but I do think I am being realistic.

The thing is this, the more the left try an make Key out to be an extremist, the less credible they sound.
After watching reaction to the current government and to Key in particular, I am convinced he is just a moderate centrist-centre right politician, there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.
The die hard right hate him as do the left, surely this exposes the truth of where Key really is in the political spectrum?.

While I personally believe very few governments around the world really understand what is about to happen (including National) I also believe that the NZ Labour party understands it even less, much less.
So even for people that understand the issues we are facing, it would appear that National is the 'least bad' option, do you have any evidence to suggest otherwise?
Can you link to any policy from the Left that I should get excited about?

robertguyton said...

Key and National are the 'least bad' option, Shunda?
You need to up your aspirations there, friend.
If you are looking for good policy, look to the Greens. They've plenty of it. Before you do though, tell me why you don't like Labour's Capital Gains proposals. Please.

robertguyton said...

And then tell my why you like Key's asset sales proposals, by way of contrast.

Shunda barunda said...

I don't like Keys asset sale proposals, and nether do many people I talk to, but National have something the left don't have right now - political capital, and they are (unfortunately) in a position to use it.

And a capital gains tax is no bad thing, but I have to ask, why now? why not when property investor Clark was in govt? oops, I just answered my own question.

The left are not an option when they so casually discard the values that people can most identify with, and for me personally - that I can identify with. I probably would have been a staunch Labour supporter 30 years ago, but I simply can't identify with anything from that party in the modern era, for my entire adult life they have moved steadily away from their roots.
And the Greens?? you know what the problem with the Greens is Robert? they aren't enough like you.

robertguyton said...

You are too kind, Shunda. You'r vision for New Zealand's political future doesn't thrill me much though - National have political capital, for the moment anyway, but what they do with it concerns me greatly. I can't defend Labour for their management over the past term or two, as I wasn't a fan and regularly cursed their house, especially over those issues that impacted on the Greens and the environment, and it'd be wasted on you any way :-)
I'm very interested to se how the next few weeks unfold. I hope for some heart-in-the-mouth stuff, the a result that has me cheering, but won't be putting the house on a perfect outcome. Things are looking grim for New Zealand, imho, and having a goober like Key in the driver's seat makes me fear for the body, chassis and the passengers.

Anonymous said...

Tell him he's dreeeeeaaamin.

RG are you really an Act/Brash follower? What have you been smoking?

Shunda is right. The more the left demonise Key the more the public turn off him.

And why is it the left can't match National at the moment? It's because National is doing exactly what the left would do. Borrow and hope whilst providing unaffordable bread and circuses.

Liarbour took us into recession 9 months ahead of the rest of the world following the current policy settings and National has followed the same course with just a bit of tinkering around the edges.

The Greens are no different. The only difference is the boondoggles they would subsidise with OPM.

What is lacking from all of this is policy that truly incentivises individual effort.


Anonymous said...

Sorry that should be "The more the left deomonise Key, the more the public turn off the Left, Goff and Liarbour.
