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Monday, October 24, 2011

Labour candidate's face slashed

Who would be so nasty as to be slashing the image of Invercargill Labour candidate Leslie Soper's face from her billboards around the town?
Leslie says it's sinister, and it must be upsetting to have your image 'defaced', but I think less sinister, more stupid, given that Leslie got a colour photo and coverage from the Southland Times, the raise in profile that brings, and, I suspect, a swelling of sympathy that may help her chances come polling day. Nice work, under-cover-of-darkness defacers.


Quintin Hogg said...

Shock horror!
A billboard defaced? No.
You should see what happens to hoardings, mainly the Nats and Act, up here.
Seriously I find it offensive that people go around defacing candidates hoardings as I consider it to be a denial of the right to free speech, whatever side of the political spectrum one sits.

robertguyton said...

I suppose, Quintin, it could be said that, for example, adding a Hitlerian moustache to a candidate's image, or drawing dollar-signs in their eyes is a form of free-speech on behalf of the defacer, but the slicing out of someone's face from a billboard seems a step too far to me. I would enjoy seeing some of the more creative 're-arrangements' of billboards in Auckland - does any blogger keep a gallery?

Shane Pleasance said...

Perhaps it's justtaxpayers getting their stolen money back? Bit by bit.

fredinthegrass said...

Shane, I do believe his Lordship will have difficulty remembering that far back. Poor fellow has a severe case of Selective Memory. Not sure there is a 'cure', although there are several effective 'remedies'.

Saverivertonsviews said...

I bet it was tim shadbolts pigs

robertguyton said...

The swine!