Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fallout from Key's gesture

Has John Key's shameful throat-slashing gesture in the House affected his chances at the coming election?
Judge for your self.


Shunda barunda said...

Did people actually, once upon a time, bag scum???


robertguyton said...

Just as bagging rats was an honoured occupation in the Middle Ages, Shunda, filling bags (usually burlap sacks) with scum was held in high esteem in the days when there was little else to do. Why they did it, history hasn't preserved and we can only surmise. Perhaps people then liked scum, counter-intuitive though it is to you and me in these modern times. Oddly, there are people even today, who admire the scumbag and seek to embrace it.

Shunda barunda said...

Hmmm, I am assuming bagging cats was also an important pass time, and the escape of said cats quite a spectacular failure.

Infact, so spectacular it must have been, as people are still talking about it today!!

robertguyton said...

Bean-spilling too, is a carry-over from those times, Shunda.
The world's a wacky place, foreshore!

Shane Pleasance said...

National - Building a Brutal Fighter"

Anonymous said...

Sorry Robert I hate your slagging of political opponents. It reeks of those bully-boy and girl games Sue Kedgeley decried in her farewell speech. It's not worthy of you -- and it puts people off being involved in politics.

robertguyton said...

Very good Shane - and a little concerning!

robertguyton said...

Anonymous. Your pleas for me to stop saying these things about Key are interesting. Not knowing anything about you (you're anonymous, eh) I have to decide: are you genuine and delicate when it comes to such criticising, or are you trying to get me to stop broadcasting anti-Key material by appealing to my softer, more reasonable side, because you are a hard-bitten National supporter intent on quashing all negative comment from whatever source. It's a puzzle. I'm sure you will understand my questioning of your motives and not take offence. You could help, by describing for me what your< thoughts are, concerning Key's throat-slitting gesture and the comments he made to the Labour MPs, his eye-rolling and petulant behaviour and lack of public comment since then. I'd then be able to accommodate your request far better than now, when I know so little about you.