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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Crunch-time, Key.

John Key and the National Party were faced with a decision over what to buy: a specialized rapid-response boat that could deal quickly with oil-spill, or a plastic tupperwaka for the Rugby World Cup.
You know the rest.


fredinthegrass said...

Codswollop, Rg.
It was more than mosquitos that got to you over in the boonies!
Show some originality.
And if you were true to yourself you could try reading the facts!!!!!!!!!

fredinthegrass said...

Gosh it has been dull while you were away getting bitten!

PM of NZ said...

fitg, Not mozzies, it's those bloody monstrous sandflies. RG's been infected and is frothing at the mouth.

Keeping Stock said...

Moreso than usual PM? He doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story though.

But I wonder how he feels about Gareth Hughes today. Hughes was still trumpeting on Thursday that oil could have been oumped from the Rena "from Day One", whereas it's clear that no oil could be pumped until the repairs to damage that was causing the leaks in the first place was done.

robertguyton said...

Inv2 - you too claim to know the facts around the RRV? Bring them out into the light of day and show that you're not just spouting.
I'll challenge one of your 'facts' here and now: Gareth Hughes never said that'
"oil could have been oumped from the Rena "from Day One"
I'll stake my reputation on it!

robertguyton said...

Blogger robertguyton said...

You have facts around the rapid-response ship that differ from mine, Fred?
Let's hear them!
And here's something to consider; despite the significant numbers of namu that clouded about us at Piopiotahi (Milford Sound), I suffered not one single bite, while others in the party felt the tiny pricks :-)

Shaun L said...

Who is the simpleton in the photo?
Standing in front of Joyce?

robertguyton said...

Fred - this should help.

fredinthegrass said...

.....I suffered not one single bite.....Oh Dear, Rg. Do you realise how damning that statement is? I thought you had a tuff hide but heck, wow, I mean..... I am like..... .
A rapid response ship would not be able to heat the oil to enable pumping - so your assertion - or mine - whichever way you come at it is totally irrelevant. A number of verifiable statements are available should you care to avail yourself of the time - which I haven't - that will give you the relevant and accurate info that will allow you to stay with the cartoons that serve to edify the wildly one-sided approach you have to the unfolding drama.
My excuse for not providing you with the links is twofold - I, with the help of my beloved, am enjoying the company and energy of seven grand children aged 14 to 4. Should the Rena still be in the news when they have departed, and our own energy somewhat restored, I will be more aggressive in dealing to your lop-sided coverage.
And you promised more photos of your adventure!
Secondly I don't know how to post links!!
And your link to The Standard was not "live".

robertguyton said...

Highlight the link, Fred, then right-click, then chose 'open link'.
Simple as, even with 7 sandflies of your own, buzzing about.
Lop-sided? I thought you meant the Rena.
You believe a rapid-response boat wouldn't have given a significant advantage? I don't agree.
I heard today, from sea-people at Bluff, that those containers were stacked too high to be lifted from the decks by the ship they sent for the job, as it can only lift them when they are stacked two-high.
Seems to me the Government had p*ss-poor preparation for an event like this and if they wish to convince the country (and that chance has slipped away) that off-shore drilling for oil is safe, they would need to be able to demonstrate that they have the capability. This event proved they do not, even on this relatively small scale. That's a huge fail for National. They've been trumpeting their intentions to drill the ocean bed, and this shows they were dreaming and spinning as fast as they could. Well, they just hit a big wall.

fredinthegrass said...

Thanks for the computer lesson, Rg.It worked.
Some interesting debate for a left blog that is usually too rabid to bother with.
I find that the enthusiasm of bloggers does not make up for the lack of specialist knowledge - not limited to the 'left' by the way!! - so I remain unconvinced as to the degree of tardiness. The commenter who talked about "and I'll be back in 2 hours to hear your answers".
Oh for a perfect world. Fraid politics in NZ just does not do it that way - even Helun One would not have done that.
My main feeling at the moment - "with the benefit of hindsight". If we fail to learn from the event and move forward then ..........!!

robertguyton said...

Agreed, Fred. Each 'event' has a lesson embedded. The points made on the TV3 news by Winston Peters were valid :-)