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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Space junk ahoy!

We saw a chunk of junk from space, flashing down to the ground over Waimatuka, as we drove home from town tonight! No shooting star for sure - much chunkier, brighter and coming straightish-down, rather than the usual sweeping shooting-star trajectory. Haven't heard yet if it landed on someone's head or not but tomorrow's Times will carry the story if there is one.


Anonymous said...

Space Junk Spotting, good call.

Dave Kennedy said...

Could it be bits of this one still coming down?

Pdogge said...

R, this is OT but don't know yr email and this is v interesting re fracking.

robertguyton said...

If it was bric-a-brac from space, Merlene, I'm pleased to have seen it (all credit to my wife, who was in the passenger seat and wide-awake!)
Thanks Dave - yes, it was a piece of that one :-)
Thanks for the fraccing link, pdogge. I'll have a look at it now and perhaps tie it to a post on a Southland Times fraccing article.