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Thursday, September 15, 2011

So the Super City is super sh*tty!

The National Government rammed the people of Auckland hard to force the 'super city' model on them.
Aucklanders responded by voting for a mayor who was not the Government favourite.
The Government replied with  blocking the mayor from pursuing the direction he pledged he would take.
Just one year into the super sh*tty experiment, an enormous public event foundered in part.
The Government is now taking the opportunity to punish the mayor and has even resorted to over-ruling him and taking away areas of his influence.
It's a sick tale of a shitty city.


paulinem said...

I just wish voters would wake up and see just how terrible this Govt really is .... I say the polls can not be right BUT the picture so far from the results is depressing and is pointing to Keys and co being returned ....

Jonesy said...

The polls aren't right, they call only those who have landlines. It is a problem if people decide not to vote because they are discouraged by poll results. Do you own polling, I don't know anyone who doesn't see through Key and mates.

paulinem said...

Jonsey I agree re landlines ..but its the trend .... The oldies will vote for him as they can see past him ..and they in bulk VOTE. I agree re non voters we are going to have to nagg and them to get out and vote their country needs them ra ra.
When I was a child I remember my late mother ( she a farmers wife and was a extreme Tory voter - !!) saying the problem with labour voters is they are apathetic and it depends on the weather if they can be bothered voting ..if they did get out she said National wouldn't have a show. Jonesy we have way to many in this country mostly under 50s who are full of them selves and vote according to image and flavour of the day.
I cant stand Keys ..but you have to give it to him hes good at promoting his image. Sadly image is important these days its why Shadbolt was re-elected so many times ..voters in Ingill fell hook and sinker for his image- no matter what he did ..I mean the $43 thousand he misspent on ?? ( he refuses to say -privacy is the excuse) ...its unbelievable that voters didnt chuck him out on this issue alone.

Anonymous said...

"When I was a child I remember my late mother ( she a farmers wife and was a extreme Tory voter - !!)"

Oh the SHAME. however did you survive that?

robertguyton said...

Extremists of all stripes endanger our survival Anonymous.
The Right-wing extremists however, are the worst.

Armchair Critic said...

It's like you read my comments on your "Espiner" post, Robert.
Auckland could and should be a world class city. Due mostly to the ideologically driven nature of the reorganisation, it won't be able to fulfil its potential until the next opportunity to reform it again arises, in ten to twenty years.
I'd love to hear why Auckland is represented by three rugby teams, several police districts and three DHBs, but when it comes to local government, one will suffice.

robertguyton said...

I think you've got the situation accurately pegged Armchair Critic.
Makes me pleased that I'm living about as far away as I can get from the City of fails.

Armchair Critic said...

It's such a waste, though. Auckland could be such a great place. And there are so many talented people working for the new council, and its various CCOs.
OTOH, I prefer the South Island. I'll consider why I prefer it this evening, at present I'm not sure why.

Lofty said...

Oh come on you lot, I can accept that pauline is young and impressionable, but you Bobby?
Like it or lump it AK is the powerhouse of the economy,and we should encourage it's growth, warts and all, cause thats where the income generators hang out., you know those rich pricks that pay the bills.
I love Auckland!!

robertguyton said...

Pauline'll be delighted with your comment Lofty, you charmer you!
I visited Auckland a while ago, though mainly Otara and found it very interesting. My impressions of the city are somewhat coloured by the recent 'super-Rodney' unpleasantness' and that's my reason to mistrust the place. I hope, for the sake of the city, the economy and the people who live in Auckland, that it becomes a beautiful, productive and healthy place to be in as soon as possible.
Still glad I live down here though Lofty. You can't see the Aurora Australis from where you're sat!

Lofty said...

The problem with your comment Bobby is that you have no idea where I am sat.

I took alibertarian view of Paulines age given her profile as a student and the fact that the only blog she follows is yours, speaks volumes to me.

DarkHorse said...

irony of the first order that Rodney Hide bureaucracy buster extraordinaire has left as his legacy the biggest awfullest bureaucracy this country will ever see (or want to)

robertguyton said...

And not a peep from the Man on Yellow.

paulinem said...

Lofty I loooooove you saying I am young ..actually students go from young to 60plus ( which sad to say I am ) :). I don't follow to many blogs etc far to busy at the present with my study demands and a garden out side that's really needing my attention.

Nah I am just one of those passionate kiwis that feel frustrated at B idiots who allow themselves to sucked into image etc ...I follow the Trademe community board occasionally and if you get time to read some of the threads you get real gem on information.

Including how the one city Auckland democratic changes by this govt also took away council rights in regards the AK transport problems. They are controlled by govt political appointments as is Ecan also....

Now you will get me on another rant about the loss of our democratic freedom under this govt and being replaced by unelected technocrats. Re RWC problems I smell the problem of control freaks interferences I am sure lofty you have come across them over the years ..they demand and push there way to be in control of every little thing and are often just a dam nuisance as they are not as competent and indispensable as the think they are. McCully from what I read on trademe is one of them ie his behaviour to the organisers before the RWC opened was typical control freak behaviour.

robertguyton said...

Great retort/rebuttal Pauline!
I love it when you do the same in the local rag.

Lofty said...

Ah Pauline, I am sure that you are a very young 60+, passionate too, I like that.
Politics is a rotten business regardless of who holds the reins, I dread the thought that My bro Bobby and his cohorts evr get their controlling mitts on Govt.
Then you will really see political interference on agrand scale.

(it's ok to say these things on your blog eh Bobby? I mean you are open to opposing views I would think.)

The Masai are a very forgiving peoples, warriors but compassionate at the same time.

robertguyton said...

It is okay to say 'those things' Lofty. You are more than welcome to criticise whatever you like, in fact, I welcome the challenge.
With regard your slight on the Greens and your fear of their mitts, I'm putting that down to your ignorance of green politics.
Btw - have to ask - blood and milk smoothie - still your favourite tipple?

Anonymous said...

Where to start...

Auckland needed reorganisation. Simple things like border disputes between councils was making life undearable. Panmure roundabout is a great example. Auckland city tyransport planners (who are useless at the best of times) decided to change the layout. the next monday morning the traffic built up back through Pakuranga (Manukau City Council) as a result. ACC planners didn't give a toss as it was not part of thier city even though thier actions directly caused the traffic chaos.

As for poularity of the government - the reason for it is the lack of a credible opposition, both on the left and right. This has as much to do with communication as policy.

As for the nasty right you lot complain about. Thank god they're far better than the stalinist left you so adore.

Just look at how poor we are after 9 years of Helengrad. And you want more of that? The damage they have caused to our society, democracy, public service and economy will take more than a generation to fix, if we have the guts to takle the problem.


Lofty said...

No Bobby, that smoothie is no longer acidic enough.

Dropped in the latest RM poll I see.

robertguyton said...

The polls are but illusion Lofty. When they are up, I don't crow, when they're down, I don't mope.

Spirulina smoothie then?

What do Tories drink to stay healthy?
The life-juices of the poor? Where do you buy that stuff?

Lofty said...

Not being tory I wouldn't have a clue as to their favourite tipple. I do know mine is a a couple of good sharp stiff Captain Morgans, for my indulgence, but for my keeping fit drink I prefer a nice cup of calli tea, if I drink enough of it I will start to look like George Clooney I am told.

Polls = illusion = fail, stay delusional Bobby, take a walk to the post and rest your head a while, tell yourself all will be well.

Anonymous said...

'The life juices of the poor' You sad unreformed marxist RG.

just goes to show the Greens certainly are watermelons when you continue to spout that rubbish.


robertguyton said...

Should have said 'ephemeral' rather than 'illusory' to make my meaning more clear Lofty - you always leap to the extreme interpretation, always did. Remember when you saw the sign 'Don't Walk' and crawled everywhere for a week? Dad despaired of you so much. I'm pretty sure that was the beginning of his alcohol 'issue'.
I am mindful though, of Len Brown's against-the-polls success.
Re calli tea and your hope to look like Clooney - you were George's spitting image when you were a lad - what went wrong? Was it the late nights spent working hard? The terrible night-time air quality of K Road?

robertguyton said...

paranormal - the sad aspect would be your inability to separate banter from serious discussion. Lofty doesn't really mean it when he calls the Greens 'watermelons', just as you can't seriously think I'm an unreformed Marxist.