Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Partner of Green candidate under attack
Right wingers are revelling in the bust, but I'm not yet convinced that there's fire beneath this smoke. I've been challenged to post on the story, so here's the bones of my response. I'm copying my comment at Keeping Stock, where INV2 has demanded I front up for the Greens, and have added a comment from Kiwiblog, where the bile is flowing freely.
Done some investigating Inv2.
Are you saying that the Green candidate knew what his partner was doing? That he's responsible for her actions and that the Greens knew also?
If so, bring on your proof. I'd like to see that.
If Mrs whateverhernameis played loose with the newspaper, that's silly, but even Farrar says there's no evidence that she did. Even so, should we blame the Green Party for her (supposed) actions? I'm not getting very anxious about this Inv2, but bring on your facts and put me right.
Anonymous said...
How Whaleoil came by the story:
Well probably because the Waikato Times has been duped by Green candidate Max Dillon Coyle. You see the story isn’t about a struggle street family, it is about his family and he has been proudly tweeting the news to anyone who cares to listen, including a photo of the article, which is where I got it from.
Political candidates don't come much greener than that. -
September 20, 2011 at 6:04 PM
- Keeping Stock said...
Seeing as you're copying and pasting Rob, I'll do likewise. Here's the comment I've just left at my place in response to yours:
The fact that the candidate in question was tweeting yesterday about the piccie of his family in the paper suggests that he's no injured innocent Robert; here's the tweet:
@MaxDCoyle Max Dillon Coyle
And here is a shot of the original paper copy, my partner @MilisaJC and my wee man in the @WaikatoTimes pic.twitter.com/BSRmOiid
I have to ask this though Robert; if this was the partner of a National, Act or United Future candidate, wouldn't you be extracting the Michael? -
September 20, 2011 at 6:06 PM
- robertguyton said...
The story came from his partner.
She's not a Green candidate, Anonymous. -
September 20, 2011 at 6:11 PM
- Keeping Stock said...
PS; there's a small difference between a friendly "What do you reckon?", and "I'm copying my comment at Keeping Stock, where INV2 has demanded I front up for the Greens", don't you think. Not that I'm accusing you of over-egging the apple and wrocester berry cobbler or anything...
September 20, 2011 at 6:12 PM
- robertguyton said...
"PS there's a small difference.." true Inv2 - I'm whipping up a battle here, give us a break :-)
September 20, 2011 at 6:19 PM
- robertguyton said...
Inv2 - I don't mind you 'extracting the Mickey' at all. You don't mind me defending the Greens' good name?
If it had been one of our MPs, sure, there'd be a story. It's not even a Green candidate under scrutiny here, it's the partner of a new Green candidate.
If the partner of a new National Party candidate hadn't told a reporter that she was in that position, and also told them that she'd vote National, I'd be bored beyond belief to find that this is news. -
September 20, 2011 at 6:21 PM
Lofty said...
Well Bobby if it is a big to do about nothing as you claim, the least we can say is that the green candidate in some place in Hamilton is a complete tosser, and so was the green sheila who tried so very hard to defend him and his wife on 1ZB tonight with Larry Williams.
She came across as lame! -
September 20, 2011 at 7:55 PM
- robertguyton said...
Lofty - it's entirely possible that these people have been foolish. It's not hard to do. I'll be disappointed if it turns out that the candidate knew of his partners lack of disclosure, if indeed that's the issue. Despite the ribbing, I do believe the Greens to be a party that holds integrity most highly and individuals in the party and connected to it, up there too with the most honest, but the chance of someone mucking it up is always there.
September 20, 2011 at 8:09 PM
Charlie said...
There seems to be a concern
with my 'partner' blogging
if only she knew no-one can keep her quiet I have tried -
September 21, 2011 at 9:06 AM
heehaw said...
Here is the proof that the green candidate is wrong....
and i quote:
"A Hamilton Green Party candidate's future with the party is under a cloud after he admitted to misleading the Waikato Times. "
Thats right MISLEADING...
and i quote again:
"he offered his "sincere apologies for the misleading the Waikato Times".
Thats right MISLEADING....
and one more for good measure:
"During the interview she was asked what her partner did, why she was supporting the Greens and how she became involved in Green issues but she did not disclose her affiliations."
Robert, please give up your deluded belief that the greens are somehow not as corrupt as other politicians and that they do everything right. THEY DONT. -
September 21, 2011 at 9:19 AM
Lofty said...
September 21, 2011 at 9:38 AM
- robertguyton said...
Charlie - I read that this morning. She's to the point, your Kylie!
Good luck to her. -
September 21, 2011 at 9:39 AM
- robertguyton said...
Heehaw - that Green candidate was very wrong to mislead the journalist. That's a fail for him indeed. I am most unimpressed by that kind of behaviour.
I'm not sure why you inclusded this quote:
"During the interview she was asked what her partner did, why she was supporting the Greens and how she became involved in Green issues but she did not disclose her affiliations."
as it's not from the candidate, but his partner. Perhaps you've a reason.
Good that he's apologised thoug. That's always the best thing to do.
As for giving up my belief that the Green MPs are 'straighter' than most others, this candidate's behaviour has no bearing on that at all.
And as for my believing that
'the greens do everything right', I don't, never have.
Hope that clears up your misconceptions.
Thanks btw, for the up-date. -
September 21, 2011 at 9:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Anon 6.04pm
How Whaleoil came by the story:
"...it is about his family and he has been proudly tweeting the news to anyone who cares to listen, including a photo of the article..."
Robert 6.11pm
The story came from his partner.
She's not a Green candidate, Anonymous.
A little comprehension lacking there, Robert? -
September 21, 2011 at 10:48 AM
- robertguyton said...
To clarify Anon, the partner did the original interview with the journalist.
The Blubbery Slater's refering to the tweet by the candidate. No comprehension problem, just the word 'story' which applies to two things. -
September 21, 2011 at 12:56 PM
Anonymous said...
The Blubbery Slater's...
Classy. -
September 22, 2011 at 7:20 AM
- robertguyton said...
He's a classy guy, having chosen a blogger name 'Whale Oil (Beef Hooked) that means 'well I'll be fucked'.
That surely is classy! -
September 22, 2011 at 7:51 AM
September 20th, 2011 at 5:07 pm Sorry to poop at the party, but I think Pete is probably right: this is the action of Dillon’s partner. To point the finger at Dillon himself, or at the Greens generally we would need some evidence that they knew and were complicit in her deception.
If the wife/husband of a National candidate in an unwinnable seat did the same thing, should National and John Key be blamed? Not without some better evidence.
I welcome your comments on this earth-shattering, political-party-destroying development.