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Monday, September 12, 2011

Owen Glenn, come again?

He's very, very wealthy and he lives in Monaco but still has the welfare of New Zealand youth at heart, that Owen Glenn.
I guffawed loudly when I heard on the radio that he was promising to give hundreds of millions of dollars to schools and youth programmes, if National was to win the election. How craven, I thought. Sounds just like a fat cat attempting to bribe voters into supporting the party he nominated. He didn't, I notice, say that he'd give hundreds of millions of dollars to our young ones, if Labour was to win.
It all smelled very bad to me.
Now Mr Glenn says he still will, even if National loses the election.

I guess it doesn't really matter now. He's made the bold and influential claim and we've all heard it. To now change his tune seems sneaky to me.


jabba said...

It’s his money bOb. Did you complain when he gave money to Winny and the Labour Party for no other reason to create a level playing ground in financial terms before a previous election?
How the left turn on people, sad really but we are now used to it. Nasty nasty.
You love spending other peoples money BUT hate it when they spend their own.

robertguyton said...

What nonsense you spout jabba (that's an Afghan name isn't it, 'jabba'?).
I don't care what Mr Glenn does with his money but if he was trying to influence the way people vote, then there's something very wrong with his offer.

Armchair Critic said...

When you lean far enough to the right, it's all about the money. Trifling things like democracy become irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

So when second rate actresses open their mouths to push the Green Party line and tell us what to do, we're supposed to listen, but when a businessman puts his money where his mouth is, it's bribery?

robertguyton said...

James. The last time I looked, bribery involved money.
The actress, as I recall, didn't mention cash.

Anonymous said...

Get it Right Robert - Glenn said if National and Act won the election.
