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Saturday, September 17, 2011

From the Innovations brochure that sneaked past our 'No Junkmail' sticker.
I feel incomplete.


Kylie said...

Yes they are cute, know someone with those exact ones. Not cheap though are they?

Kylie said...

Wow just noticed they are solar power with swaying, they are different to what I've seen. They were just plain, cost over $50, a frivolity for the dog to lift his leg on.

robertguyton said...

Speaking of which Kylie, there's the Amazing Pet Potty Patch that I'm going tpo post on when I get back from the farmers market. It's a must for indoor dogs!

Lofty said...

Now Bobby these must be right up a greenies powered, sway in the breeze, and I heard they sing Kumbaya,plus washed clean by one of Gaias loving creatures every comfort stop.

A must have for the discerning watermelon.

robertguyton said...

They're just not my thing Lofty.
Now if they were made from compressed hemp fibre and blessed by a Andean shaman I'd be looking a little closer at getting some, but plastic?
What are you thinking??