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Friday, September 23, 2011

Green rising

"This could be the year of the Greens – finally they might crack the 10% mark that has eluded them in every general election so far. And with the popular demise of Labour and the ideological confusion of Mana, the Green Party might end up being the real success story for the leftish side of the political spectrum."

Could be.

Bryce Edwards @ Liberation explores the likelihood.


Anonymous said...

So still a protest vote?

robertguyton said...

People are increasing taking the Greens to their bosom.

Suz said...

The Greens are calorific??

robertguyton said...

And nutritious - to some they're an exotic side-dish, to others, meat and potatoes. Either way, they're here to stay. I've met some lovely ones and plan to meet some more, this Sunday.

Anonymous said...

People (the taxpayer) are increasing taking the Greens to their bosom. (there is that sucking sound again)