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Friday, September 16, 2011

Comment of the week

If you haven't already found it, here it is :-)

" I was already devoted to the German academic ideals of Lernfreiheit (a student’s right to study anything and everything that caught his fancy) and Lehrfreiheit (a professors right to teach study anything and everything that caught his fancy), and to hell with anything like a centrally planned university curriculum."

From comments on the most recent post by the Archdruid. 


Jonesy said...

Well, you have me scratching my head.

Every Thursday I read the Archdruid's report. I read this post and think to myself:'I didn't read that', 'perhaps I should read more carefully', 'perhaps there are two Archdruid's reports?'

I agree wholeheartedly with children creating their own learning. I used to teach/facilitate Montessori ages 6 to 12.
You will enjoy Ken Robertson's talks on creativity and education on the TED Talks site.

robertguyton said...

Thanks Jonesy. Montessori eh! Interesting.
The comment I quoted comes from the 'comments' section on that Archdruid post.
He attracts hundreds of comments and many are themselves as interesting as the posts Mr Greer puts up.
TED Talks are often fantastic. I kind of steer clear of education-themed ones, having had a guts-full when I was teaching (Professional Development - pleeeeeaaaaase!)
I'll check out ken though, thanks.

Jonesy said...

oops, I meant to write Ken Robinson. He talks about the education system killing creativity.

TED talks are very pro the fantasy idea that technology will answer all of the world's problems.

robertguyton said...

They are Jonesy and that's not a view I share - at least the kinds of technologies they champion. I was involved with the 'Appropriate Technologies' movement that flourished a decade ago in this part of the world and, like Mr Greer, believe that's where it's at. A spoke-shave sure beats a fingernail, and it's streets ahead also, of an electric plane.