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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where do I sit?

John Key says, if you are being attacked by the far Left, and lambasted by the far Right, you must be getting things about right.
Far Right blogger David Farrar calls me a dumb f****.
Chris Trotter from the Left says I'm a poor, sad b*stard.

I'm spot on then, according to Key :-)


Anonymous said...

You seem to be attracting a lot of black pots there Robert ;-)

robertguyton said...

I thought the first comment here wildcrafty, would be from one of my shrill right wing 'fans', saying both Trotter and Farrar were right!

Anonymous said...

And still no onslaught? Curious.

robertguyton said...

It's my mandate to continue as before wildcrafty, just as Key will take a victory at the polls as his mandate to sell NZ off to whoever has the cash.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Robert if I've let you down. It's just Farrar is not a far right blogger. In fact last I'd heard he'd been chucked out of the VRWC for being too left leaning...


Anonymous said...

Presumably John Key is attempting to justify being a centrist where the bulk of New Zealanders would broadly be in agreement with what he says.

You, on the other hand, are in the 5% on the far left of NZ, so the arguement has no validity.

David Farrar's comment could be instantly dismissed as "he would say that wouldn't he", whereas the comment from Chris Trotter must warrant a little introspection on your part.

Farrar you would expect to be wrong, whereas Trotter you would expect to be correct.

Anonymous said...

Presumably John Key is attempting to justify being a centrist where the bulk of New Zealanders would broadly be in agreement with what he says.

You, on the other hand, are in the 5% on the far left of NZ, so the arguement has no validity.

David Farrar's comment could be instantly dismissed as "he would say that wouldn't he", whereas the comment from Chris Trotter must warrant a little introspection on your part.

Farrar you would expect to be wrong, whereas Trotter you would expect to be correct.

robertguyton said...

Farrar pretends not to be para, but he'll go as far to the right as he can get away with. He plays the same game as National presently - look as centrist as possible, encourage the Brash's or the Lofty's at the periphery to force issues and you keep your own image looking centrist and 'clean'.

robertguyton said...

Trotter I wouldn't 'expect to be correct' Anonymous. His views are often well wide of my own. I take your point though. His comment came as the result of his mis-reading something I said, which in turn was not clearly/carefully expressed. I did 'introspect' as a result but lost no sleep.
Farrar, otoh, I found to be a sluggish thinker and ideologically bound-up. Not a great logician, in my view. Not an extremist, but attractive to them and more than happy to give them a platform for their unpleasantness, less willing to give the likes of me a chance to balance the ledger :-)

Anonymous said...

Farrar seems to allow uncensored the widest divergence of comments of any blog in the NZ blogsphere.
You fall outside that?

robertguyton said...

I always tried to be annoying-but-light-hearted on Farrar's blog, as a provocative greenie should be on a site like his, imho.
He couldn't see the humour in me and banned me. Permanantly.
Twice :-)