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Friday, August 5, 2011

Moving right along

Solid Energy is wasting no time firing up its plans for a lignite to fertilizer plant in Southland. The ink has barely dried on its consents for the briquetting plant near Mataura, and they're signalling they're ready to swing into their much more controversial urea production plant.

"With construction of its briquetting plant scheduled to start next month, Solid Energy is poised to tick off a milestone in its next major project for Southland, a lignite-to-fertiliser plant.
Lignite conversion general manager Greg Visser yesterday confirmed the company was set to start a feasibility study into the multimillion-dollar project."

If you are following the heavy-weight's hard-nosed intrusion into Southland, the article published in The Southland Times today should be at the end of this link.


viv said...

Thanks Robert.

robertguyton said...

Y'r welcome.

Kylie said...

Think of the storage and cartage impact on the residents of Bluff, we that are outspoken on addressing negative impacts are already facing retaliation. They have called it 'harmless'. Is it?

robertguyton said...

Sounds sinister. Is it?

Kylie said...

Only photographing of my house, it needs work (see post on my blog re that) but others being told not to 'bite the hand that feeds them' and verbal abuse and attempts to shut people up, in one case by visit parent of adult to tell them to 'sort them out'. In a 'community' that can be quite divisive though and create tension between family and friends and people in business.
So would you call Urea harmless? What about Super Phosphate? Reckon these fertilisers in our storm water drains can feed undaria in the Harbour? Too diluted once it gets there?

robertguyton said...

I'll spend some time on your blog Kylie.
Were these questions for me:
"So would you call Urea harmless? What about Super Phosphate? Reckon these fertilisers in our storm water drains can feed undaria in the Harbour? Too diluted once it gets there?"
If so:
- no, I certainly wouldn't!
- nor that by any stretch of the imagination.
- yes
- no.
Makes Solid Energy's plans sound very worrying and Bluff's future, like Mataura's threatened.

Kylie said...

Yes they were for you. I feel it could be of concern in the long term.