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Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Kronic

The Kronic people are to be required by law to prove that their products are safe before they can be offered to the market.
In a parallel universe, the tobacco people and the alcohol people are to be required by law to prove that their products are safe before they can be offered to the market.
All's right in that world.

*Psycho Milt at No Minister added this to the discussion:

Stuff, 2 August 2011:
Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne yesterday announced a 12-month ban on 43 legal highs, which will be in force by the end of the week.

NZ Medical Journal, 25 November 2005:
Mr Dunne has described the efforts in New Zealand to prevent the sale of tobacco to underage children as ‘fascist’, and tobacco control spending as a ‘scandalous waste of money in pursuit of some health zealots’ beady eyed political correctness.’ Mr Dunne also described the 2003 New Zealand legislation for smokefree bars as ‘extremism’.

Draw your own conclusion as to whom this public servant is actually serving.


Suz said...

As a 30-a-day addict, (Yes I can hear the cries of derision and hatred), I would love to see this filth that is killing me prescription only. I understand heroin is easier to quit..and yet Dunne (my local MP) gets his bouffant in a twist over marijuana synthetics..I wonder if he's looked at the death rates between the two.

robertguyton said...

You won't hear any coming from me Suz.
Dunne (I pity you your nearness to the puffed-up prat) is a wowser in all but the products of the Big Companies that prop him up - the don't call him Peter Dunhill for nothing.

Suz said...

Thanks for not hating us nicotine addicts Rob; I can understand only too clearly what a ridiculous, anti-social, lethal,expensive, has-nothing-going-for it, "habit" it must seem to me, us addicts are more aware of the above than you might think..I was unaware of those comments by Dunne...I'm sickened to hear them.

robertguyton said...

I don't hate anyone Suz but Peter Dunne's at the head of the 'perhaps on a very, very bad day' queue :-)