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Sunday, August 14, 2011

David Cameron and his fellow thugs

"David Cameron, Ed Miliband and the entire British political class came together yesterday to denounce the rioters. They were of course right to say that the actions of these looters, arsonists and muggers were abhorrent and criminal, and that the police should be given more support.
But there was also something very phony and hypocritical about all the shock and outrage expressed in parliament. MPs spoke about the week’s dreadful events as if they were nothing to do with them.
I cannot accept that this is the case. Indeed, I believe that the criminality in our streets cannot be dissociated from the moral disintegration in the highest ranks of modern British society. The last two decades have seen a terrifying decline in standards among the British governing elite. It has become acceptable for our politicians to lie and to cheat. An almost universal culture of selfishness and greed has grown up.
It is not just the feral youth of Tottenham who have forgotten they have duties as well as rights. So have the feral rich of Chelsea and Kensington"

If you've not yet read the Peter Oborne Daily Telegraph editorial...
perhaps you oughta!


paulinem said...

I blame our obsessive materialistic world, which I suspect many of the hoons simply got mindlessly caught up in. Mob rule as the saying goes, many of those caught when asked why cannot explain themselves. One a highly qualified graduate, with the world to be her oyster. She joined in the mob and pinched a TV, her shocked parents said she doesn't need it she has one. Apparently she has locked herself in her bedroom sobbing her heart out at her own gross mindless stupidity etc. The question I ask is this a sign of the future? Do we really need all the resources we consume?

robertguyton said...

That too Pauline, though I credit the underlying dishonesty of a good part of British society (like our own), especially those in plum positions, for igniting the action. Individuals then came under the influence of crowd-think. Very scarey to be amongst I imagine.